Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teachers SUCK.

Have you ever had a teacher which had an inner bully and would purposly humiliate you in front of the class? Yes, well I do.

My math teacher is one of the biggest assholes I've come across. Just flat out mean.

Now he won't just do this to me, but he will quiet down the class so the class will you hear AND see him purposly humiliate/embarrass you just so he can feel big. This man will make you feel 2 inches tall. He makes sarcastic remarks to make you feel defenseless, and you DO feel defenseless, because lets face it; you can't stand up to a teacher or else it'll result in suspension.
He hates me, I know this much. He'll bully anyone in front of the class. He'll embarrass you to make him feel more powerful. He seems like a very miserable man (he's a sad excuse for a man). He's actually made me feel so uncomfortable. Like this one time; he pulled me out of class one time and ASKED ME IF I SHOWERED. He asked a student if they showered. Um, NO SHIT I SHOWER, idiot! You don't ask someone that! Not only is that extremely creepy, but it's also a bit um, I don't know... RUDE? You're in your mid 30's! GROW UP.
Or another time in grade 7, when he was our french teacher. We just got back from gym and he told us that we stunk, and these were his EXACT words:
"Next class, if I smell any of you guys, I'm going to take you out in the hall individually and smell you to see who's not putting on deodorant."

HE WAS GOING TO TAKE US OUT IN THE HALLWAY AND SMELL US. C'mon! Borderline freakish, in my opinion.
Not only is he an asshole, he sucks at teaching math.
In grade 7, we had the BEST math teacher! She was amazing! Explained everything, went through the notes, just; an amazing teacher. My final mark was 66%. But then she had to leave because she was having a baby.
So in grade 8, Mr. Asshole was our new math teacher. Want to know what my final mark was? 38%.
HOW DOES THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN OVER THE SUMMER? And I've always understood math, until he started teaching and fucking it all up.
Now, in grade 9, my mark is now 40%. I am totally fucked because my math teacher now is a total retard.
And I can't get him fired because teachers are part of a UNION. Who thought of this union and where do they live so I can punch them in the throat? And of course all the other teachers LOVE him >__>


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Journal entries of a Loser

First day of school is today (yes. I have to leave at 1:30.)
I will be posting journal entries throughout the school year... to see if I make any progress... if not, than good riddance to that school.... I'm in grade 9. Last year there! DANCE!
But yeah. They won't be daily. Pa-lease! I do not have that much commitment! And I can do this because I know for a fact no one reads this blog... I wonder why, I'm an asshole.
I'll post an entry on Friday. Get ready to hear LOTS of complaining.

:D Live. Laugh. SCREW YOU.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chris Brown's Violent History

The headline at!

I'm not taking sides. I'll admit, what he did was stupid/terrible, but it was ONE time. They're acting like his childhood was like Michael Myers'. Where his mom was a whore and his stepdad was an abusive asshole so he goes on a violent spree. VIOLENT history? Fuck, what did he do? Beat up a kid in grade 3? One assult charge and your childhood is automatically fucked up. It was fine before... but after I beat her up, its now FUCKED! Even though it happened 9 years ago.

You know what; I think its rather pointless complaining about this; I'm waisting my time. But still; retarded.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Some Hardcore Religious Fanatics...

If you believe in [a] God that's cool... You know I won't hate you for your religion. But if I won't hate you, don't hate me.

I've come across people who I was becoming friends with and once they asked me if I believe in God and I said no, they gave me speeches on why I should and I lose a friend. Most have been Christian, since thats the most popular religion in my area; Christianity. Given that, I've seen religious people de-friended by athiests... who personally, are kind of annoying with their propaganda.
I have friends who believe in different things. Just because I don't believe in God or its not my first priority, that doesn't mean we can't be friends. Hey, we don't even have to be friends. We could just not talk to each other at all.
If I don't force my beliefs on you, then don't force yours on me. I have morals and philosophies, I have faith, not alot but enough to get me through tough times. What I'm saying is; I couldn't give two shits about religion and God. Maybe he exists? I don't care! Believe whatever you please. Hindu, Buddhist, again; whatever you please! But don't even try to "convert" me. I've made up my mind.
I'm not trying to convert you to what I think, so why should you? By now you already know I HATE PROPAGANDA. So don't try to tell me God doesn't exist or He does... because guess what?

I. Don't. Care.

When I meet new people, I accept them for their personality. Not their beliefs :) That would be like accepting someone ONLY for their looks. And I don't fly like that.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Take it Back

In a earlier post I said that A.D.H.D didn't count as a brain dysfunction.
Now I'm going to be smart about this and say, I was wrong. A.D.H.D does affect a kid's learning ALOT.
So, I take it back. I was wrong.

At least I admitted my mistake!

Simpsons OR Family Guy?

Oh, is this argument STILL in play?

My GOOD God!
People, people, people.
I am subscribed to Hulu on youtube, and they upload various Simpsons and Family Guy clips. Most are really funny, from both shows, but then retards start NETWARZ down in the comment section.
"Simpsons r funnier!!"

Saying one is better than the other one like its a FACT is wrong. Listen; BOTH are hilarious. I can laugh out loud at both. But guess what? Ready?
Simpsons have clean, sarcastic jokes most of the time. Family Guy is more immature, more adult. You can't compare those two together! Plus, Family Guy was MEANT to be a more adult show than The Simpsons. More parents would let their kid watch The Simpsons but not FG. You know why? DIFFERENT style of humor!
I'm all for sharing your opinion on the comment box on YT. Just as long as its educated and your not an arrogant asshole who's looking to start a fucking keyboard war.
But hey, not everyone will agree with me on this one, but whatev's. Its your opinion.

Thursday, June 4, 2009



I hate my assistant principle!

First, she banned all unhealthy food from the school. Here's what I say to that:

-We're 13/14 year olds. We're supposed to eat unhealthy; we're being teenagers. You keep on telling us to "act our age" so we do! But then you give us shit for doing that! Cut the MPD shit and let us eat food.

-Ever thought about selling both healthy and unhealthy food? Variety would be nice. Have both oatmeal bars and Skittles in the same vending machine. Jesus.

But this is what gets me; she banned Energy Drinks from the school, then she said drinking an energy drink is like shooting up heroin. No... shooting bleach into your bloodstream is equal to doing herion. Drinking a 2 litre of Coca Cola is equal to taking 1 Red Bull. Don't be so dramatic about it.
Look lady, your not my mom. Lorraine is my mom. Not you. Just because there's a kid in grade 9 who weighs over 150 pounds doesn't mean the rest of us normal weight kids need to pay the consequences. The whole "don't do drugs" lecture is understandable; because drugs can lead to death. The whole "don't eat unhealthy foods" lecture is getting old because eating junk food every now and then leads to... get this! SATISFACTION!
I don't even like energy drinks and I'm on their side.
And who knows? Maybe some of the "over the average weight" kids got their build from genetics. Maybe their parents looked like that at that age. Maybe they eat healthy but still look a little chubby, thats genetics. You can't fight nature with an oatmeal bar.

Live.Laugh.FUCK OFF.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hey, You want to look Intelligiant?

Don't be a keyboard warrior.
Whats a keyboard warrior you might ask?

Someone who argues with another retard over the internet.

Trying to prove your "smart" to someone over youtube doesn't make you look smart... it makes you look just as stupid as the person who started it all.

Coming from a veteran of youtube (you bloody heard me!), I know that when someone leaves you a bad comment, the last thing you should do is respond in profanities... actually, just don't respond in general. You know why?

Because you'll look stupid.

I'm all for exchanging opinions, open discussions and whatnot but not internet wars. It makes you look bad when someone leaves you a bad comment and then you try to look all badass and "tell them off" or saying "you don't care".
If you didn't care, YOU WOULDN'T OF RESPONDED. And using big words like serendipity, contretemps, or anything of that nature.
Its like what I always say:
Fighting over youtube is like the Special Olympics; even if you win, your still retarded.

Ever heard of a term called ingore negativity? Well, exactly. IGNORE.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Nerve Problem? HA!

I've had a problem with the disease known as stupid. There's the everlasting fascination with that bitch with 8 kids, people thinking I'm weird because I think outloud, wholegrain... but THIS; this is the icing on the cake!

My school's VP telling us that Zac has a nerve problem which makes him say things that he doesn't know what they mean so therefor we should cut him slack.
Nerve problem? NERVE PROBLEM? They made that shit up, I'm sure of it!
This kid doesn't have Terrets, he doesn't have autism. You know what he has? He has the disease, Iisstupidneosis. Also known as, stupidity.
When she said "cut him slack" it was pretty obvious she meant "sympathize" him.
Sympathize? SYMPATHIZE? I'll symathize the starving children of the world, cancer patients, paralyzed people, hurricane/tsunami/tornado survivors and homeless animals. But never, in my life, would I show pity for a stupid person. You approach a grizzly bear expecting a cute picture but instead it rips your head off, you know what? You deserved it, buddy! You walk up to someone 10x your height and start mouthing off and that person gives you a broken leg and black eye... You deserved it! I show NO remorse for dumb people and their dumb decisions, so don't even make up some fake brain problem and say he has it because you know what? He doesn't! ADHD maybe, but I'm not gonna pity him for ADHD. I have ADD, where's my bloody parade?!
Or he could have the disease known as myparentssuckedatraisingmesonowimouthoff-neosis.
Its a life threatening disease.


Live.Laugh.Fuck OFF!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sexualities and Small Children.

Whoa, thats a contrast!

Anyway, onto the point;

I hate it when a famous person comes out and says they're gay/bisexual and then thats all people ever pay attention to. Not the person's talent, personality; no. We all have to focus on their sexuality!

Well, what I say to that;

Why must we care?

Remember Freddy Mercury? The lead singer of Queen and probably one of the best vocalists, yeah; he was gay. Was that what people focused on? Well maybe some, but the majority of Queen fans focused on HIM as a person. They put the fact that he was gay aside and focused on what was important; his talent and abilities.

Or Ellen Degeneres; she married a woman; does that affect her ability to entertain? No. Hell, I still laugh at her show; she's funny. Do people care if she's gay? Maybe the Republicans, but I know I don't.

Lets just put being gay/bisexual aside and focus on the person and what they do or their personality, not their orientation.

Next, small children... and wild animals.

I hate children and I'm a better parent than some people out there, sad.

I was reading FHOTD's blog and it read:

"We have to show the horse being ponied off a quad, lying down on command (well, I don't think the rolling part that followed was part of the command), being led around with a tiny helmetless infant on his back, and---"


See this is why I hate stupid people. You DO NOT, I repeat YOU DO NOT put a toddler/infant on a horses back with NO HELMET. You listen to me; horses are unpredictable at times. The smallest thing could trigger them off (large vehicles driving by, sudden movements etc) and when a horse spooks they back away suddenly, rear, or just go ballistic. And when a horse is going ballistic, the last place you want to be is on the back of the spazzy horse. If a horse can send an adult flying, imagine what they could do with a baby/toddler. I'm not saying that horses are dangerous, but they can be at times. Thats 5000 lbs of muscle and hooves; and if something does spook a horse with an infant on its back, that infant will GET HURT. I don't care if your leading the horse! I hate to say this but there's a 1-5 chance that you won't be able to save your kid if your up front and its on the spazzing horse. And all horses are different, and they may react differently to different things but you never know.

And having the kid helmetless? All I have to say to that is this:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

School Update! =D

Its day 171, and I've come to realize that this school and its airheaded students are the reason for my bitter attitude. Vollysluts block my locker, it pisses me off, yet they want to be friends, they are obviously retarded.
Or that creepy Douchy McDouchebag; Tim. NO I do not want a motherfuckin' hug.
Nah, lets talk about Danica (or is it Bianca? Oh well they all look the same) and Scott who just have to make it public that their hormones are all jacked up. They have had PDA's in the consession line up, in the hall, and just about anywhere where they can get they're filthy little paws on each other. Hey, you horny motherfuckers; that ain't love! You want love? My parents; strong for 20 years. You guys call each other "babe" and "hunni"... my parents call each other Lorraine and Mike. Pet names don't mean you love each other... it means you guys are trying too hard. Fuck!
I feel like a retard magnet. Wherever I go, I have dumbasses following behind. I try to be alone but they think I just looove attention.
Well you know what?
Yeah; who wants the attention now, bitch?!
On the bus? Gr. 7 boys who laugh like little girls whilst wearing the "I'M A DOUCHY WHITE BOI!!" hat while standing there at the bus stop looking all badass and shit.
One time, they were going to miss the bus.
I smiled.
They got to the bus stop then the bus drove awau.
I grinned.
They slipped on ice.
I laughed.
One of them goes unconcious.
I laugh harder.
I used to be the only kid who knew about the 60 bus. then those brats who don't know shit about shit discovered this bus existed and they decide to ride it... Its weird, the bus travels to Millwoods, they all live in Millbourne... Huh, weird.
And then, wherever I sit down... they sit down right next to me and I can't get a moment of fucking quiet!
What bothers me even more? Everyone at my school think they're hot shit. Especially the asians. Now before you go all batshit on me, I do not hate the asian race. No, that's not what I hate. I hate the people who think that because they're asian, they're better than everyone else. Well guess what I say to that;
Kiss my whiskey lovin, short tempered, greenwhite&orange GERMAN ASS.
Hm, glad I could be of assistance! Just because your asian, does NOT mean your fucking Jesus.
And so what if I'm unpleasent? So WHAT if I'm unhappy? I like it that way! Makes my personality more... colorful =D
Fuck the people who want to spark up a conversation with me. Because I'm not your friend, and I never will be, so shut the hell up.
And fuck Zoe. Uh huh. Your not funny, your not unique and your not a lesbian! Stop fucking acting like one. You'll still have those tits, and you'll still get your time of the month rather you like it or not. YOUR NOT A LESBIAN. So screw you up the ass with a 10 ft pole.

Live. Laugh. FUCK OFF.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I Will Not Last Through The Winter!!

Its spring, but it still snows.

I hate fat kids. Yeah, fuck you; I said it! I fucking hate fat kids. But you know what I hate more? The dumbasses who give their son, Fatty McFatfuck money to go to the vending machines and buy a shitload of junkfood!
Oh, and WHO do we blame for child obescity?


Ah yes it must be Coca Cola's fault for child obescity because of all the sugar and fat put into the drink! Oh yeah, totally.
Don't be stupid. Did Coca Cola, Lays or Wonka give that fatty money to go and buy this food? NO. It was the dumb parents who don't realize that by giving they're kid money to buy unhealthy food, they're slowly killing them. People aren't supposed to have blood clots and heart attacks at age 13!
So don't blame the products the kids buy, blame the dumb parents who give their kids money to buy this junkfood that will sooner or later give not-so-little Timmy a fucking heart attack at age 14!

Monday, April 20, 2009

You Might as Well MultiGrain my White Bread Ass!

...It took me 2 hours to think that one up.

I can take diet pop, I can take sugar free candy (diabetics want to eat it too, understandable) but this is just wrong....

Multigrain Kraft Dinner

Multigrain noodles

Multigrain cookies

Multigrain bread

Multigrain chips (yeah, I know... What the fuckin' fuck).

Multigrain pizza

Multigrain this, that and other!

Whole Wheat Maccerroni? That's right... rob the fun out of being a kid... make everything healthy.... How do you sleep at night?

"Its good and good for you!" No its not! Feels like I'm eating ants when I feel the little iddy bitty pieces of wheat going against my tongue and teeth. Its like when they put maccerroni in ham... Its just not working.
It doesn't fuckin matter if its healthy! I WANT REGULAR FOOD PLEASE!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why is She Even HERE?!?

If I have my right to freedom of speech, no one's gonna shut me up.

Octomommy. Yeah, you know her. The nutcase bitch who has like 8 or 100,000 kids. Don't ask me why everyone cares about her, because I seriously don't know. At first I thought it would die off, and she'd only be mentioned in one article of gazillions of magazines... But no. The media bitches think people actually care what happens to her.

I can see why we follow around celebrities... but a crazed mom? Why? Seriously. WHY?!
Whats even worse? Haha, they're making a fucking SHOW about her. A show. About a woman with eight kids. Here's a quote from crazy lady herself:
"Yes, it is official. I'm going to be doing a show, but it's not a reality show. What I'm doing with this TV show is basically creating documentaries about the lives of my children. It's going to be an ongoing thing, and it will follow them from now until they are 18. It's being done by Eyeworks; they're in the UK. It will air in the UK and then we'll see if the US is interested."
You've got to be kidding me. I'm dumbfounded! What is so bloody interesting about a greedy, single, mentally ill woman with eight kids? I'm more interested in a parrot who can sing classic showtunes. I bet you, somewhere out there, there is a woman who has had octuplets; where the hell is their T.V show? Huh?! WHERE?!
Oh, but lets not forget! She looks like Angelina Jolie! Oh, well then she MUST be interesting... riiiiiight?
This is worse than the celebrity baby picture... where magazines pay celebutards zillions of dollars for exclusive baby pictures of they're new born kids.
Yeah, this is worse.
Why? Millions of women are single and unable to take care of kids but have kids anyway. Millions of people have mental illnesses. Millions of mothers give birth to twins, triplets, quadruplets WHATEVER. Again, where the hell is their TV show? Oh yeah, I forgot; they're not interesting.
What do I want to see on my city's news station every morning? I want to see traffic reports, I want to see if there's a crazed poedophile on the loose, I want to see if I should be expecting unsettling weather, I want to see updates on the pirates in Samalia... Not a crazed, pyscho mother.
[by the way, celebutards is a term used by the wonderful Denis Leary]
Live. Laugh. FUCK OFF.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Accept it.

Define "real" music for me.

Of course, many people, when asked that question, will come up with different musicians who they think are "real" music. Weither it'd be Led Zepplin, Jonas Brothers, The Sex Pistols, Kanye West... whatever! No matter who you ask, you'll always get a different answer.

Does that means there's no definition? Think about it.

People always have that band that they love and "worship" because of their music. I'm talking about having that favorite musician that writes lyrics that speak to you, that you can understand and that you just... love. Others may not feel the same about the band you like, so they have theirs. How do I explain this more clearer?

Personally, I'm not a fan of The Jonas Brothers, but some girls are. Do I bash them for it? Of course not. They love The Jonas Brothers and there's nothing I can do about it, sure I may not like their music but not everything has to come to your approval. So the majority of the teen population likes Top 40's music... does that mean that they're following the crowd? No. Maybe they like that music, maybe they love to dance to it, sing to it whatever. They like it and that doesn't give you the right to put them down for it. Hey, I'm all for free speech, and you can say whatever you like about whatever singer/band. You're allowed. But its not ok to put people down for what their music taste is. We all have a different definition to what "real music" is. Some kids like rock, some like pop. Some kids like jazz, whilst others like punk. Its all a matter of opinion. So yeah, you can hate whatever band/singer you want, your allowed. Just don't be a pompus, snobby jackass and go and tell people that what they listen to is wrong and what you listen to is right. Not only is that nazi mentality, but its arrogant and makes you look stupid.

To me, there's no such thing as "bad music". But there is such thing as music I don't like.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Fuck no.

Just because I'm under the age of 18 doesn't make me stupid.
Yes, I hate my teacher though. Not all of them, just her.
She is an intimidating, unbearable, pyscho. I cannot STAND to be apart of her class! Here's why:

We had to write an essay on discrimination in L.A and I handed mine in. She said she didn't get it, so I had to redo it at lunchtime. No biggie. Then we got a progress report and it said I was missing that assignment. I told her I redid it at lunchtime under HER supervision and handed it in to her, but no; apparently I was wrong, because she said I never handed it in. I am now missing 15% of my mark, even though I VIVIDLY remember handing it to her that lunchtime. She was trying to convince me I was wrong and I never handed it in, then she got into this big lecture, and I quote, "how you should stop drawing and start doing my work FOR ONCE." For once? Listen woman, I did your work already! I tried being your #1 student but if your gonna be unfair about it, no more Miss. Nice girl.
Sure, there ARE assignments I never handed in, and those assignments she wants me to do; ok, I will. But I'm not allowed to do them at home. I have to do them at lunchtime so she can watch me. Look lady I'm doing your work, what more do you want? A fucking footrub? Ew, no.

Think she would respect me more if I was on the volleyball team?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If Your Going Through Hell

Keep on going, you might get out, if your scared don't show it.

Fuck, my best friend... I won't say her name, is suffocating me!
She HAS to know EVERY fucking account on every site I have, she has to know ALL my friends. The only account she hasn't found out about is this one, and I'M GLAD. I can finally say what I need to say without her going batshit.

I can't say ANYTHING bad or else of course she'll disagree and try to change my opinion. Then we get into an arguement and she'll how I don't care and she'll get jealous of my other friends! I can't say what I need to say on my youtube, DeviantArt etc etc because she had to know I had accounts on those sites! She has to know every single detail of every single personal picture I draw, I can't keep it to myself! And now she has to get to know all of my friends that she doesn't even know!
BACK OFF, you might as well know what time I go to the bathroom! Please, leave my life ALONE!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who Died and Made You President Nixon?


My school is obsessed with volleyball. Volleyball volleyball volleyball. Who could give two shits about the hard-working basketball team when you have VOLLEYBALL GIRLS?

Yes, the volleyball girls.

I'm gonna be honest, not ALL of them are annoying, obnoxious, loud, souless, and full of themselves. Some are actually really nice. But others...
My class (8B) was having gym. I was having a good time, we were playing batminton (shut up, if I had balls they'd be the size of your face) but then the volleyball girls from 8C walk in the gym like they own the damn place! Shane was sitting beside Gibney (our teacher) when one of them snaps "MOVE." Plus they try to be cute and funny for our student teacher, Mr. M. They try to be all adorable and ditzy for him (why they think they'd get a chance with him is beyond me).
Some reasons why I hate some of those soul-stealing witches:
I come to school, go to my locker, drop off my stuff and then go to my friend's lockers. Simple, right? It took me 17 [fucking] minutes to get to my locker. You know why? Because those volleyball girls were blocking 90% of the hallway! They just stand there, screaming while people are trying to get by! Yeah, I'd be you'd tell them to move. Do they? Nope. They can't even hear you because they're so damn loud.
Shocking, right? TOTALLY!....
Who do volleyball girls date? Volleyball guys (who aren't as annoying). What does this cause? Drama. Which equals tears. You see one of them crying, you go and ask to help. They say they can't tell you because only volleyball players can know. Fine, don't get my sympathy. Bitch. I offer to help you and you reject me because your in some sort of sport playing clan? Fine. Maybe your volleyball friends can help you... I don't even think they like each other.
I probably spelled it wrong, but whatever.
Some of these girls think they RUN the school! You know who runs the school? ECSD. Edmonton Catholic School District. Not you. I'm starting to believe they have no souls... and when they admit they don't, they can join my club. The EvilMonsterousIgnorantLosersYeti. E.M.I.L.Y... The yeti's there for funsies.
These girls think they're so cool in their Abercrombie&Fitch Hollister American Apparel t-shirts and Stitches jeans eating Mr. Noodles while laughing at unfunny jokes but ruining the funny jokes. Don't believe me? Come to St. Hilda; see for yourself.

Well I'm done. Remember, this isn't aimed at all volleyball girls. Just the ones that annoy me... I won't name names.

Live. Laugh. Fuck Off.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You're Kid

Isn't cute/gifted/special OR anything of those sorts.

When I was little I don't fucking remember--or knowing-- ANY kid who had to take medication/had to be put in a "special class". You wanna know why little Timmy won't listen in class and would rather be outside hurting other boys in his class? No, its not because he has fuckin A.D.D. Its because he's a KID. He doesn't need any treatment/medication/special class because ya know what? He's just being a KID! I never knew being a kid was a handicap... Bullshit.
This kid in my class, Taylor (he wanted us to call him Zack... which quickly turned into Zaggot.)he whines, he's rude, he has an attitude, and he's quite stupid. Well, our grades are divided in class. 8B, 8C, 9B, 9C etc etc. but then theres 8A and 9A which is apparently for "slow learning kids". They decided to stick 8A with 8B so now its 8AB. But anyway, I think their bullshit. Slow learning kids? Mental dissabilites? I CALL BULLSHIT!
There's no such thing as "special" children. Its just toddlers, kids, adolescences, adults, elders. No "special". There's smart people then there's dumb people. Yeah, some brains don't function well. Its called FUCKING DOWN SYNDROME. Not A.D.D! NOT A.D.H.D! Just because Zack's a dumbass along with a few others doesn't mean they need to be put in a individual class! Put them in 8B and 8C and there you have it; two classrooms. No inbetweenies. And if those "special" kids fail the class, so? Kids fail! My teacher told me that since parents are upset that they're not allowed to fail anyone. So if a dumb kid fails every single class, your gonna pass him? Nuh uh! I don't care if parents are upset! You make that snot-nosed brat redo the 8th grade until he finally gets the whole thing! If you keep passing him when he doesn't understand anything, and he doesn't listen anyway, and he graduates... thats another moron stepping out into the world. Yeah, 'cause we need one of those again. Some kids are smarter then others. No such thing as "special". Just because your kid doesn't focus in class doesn't mean you pump his viens with Adderall. It means you start teaching him to listen, and if he doesn't, then he repeats the grade. Yeah, he may hate you (you as in the parents) but he'll thank you in the future. He supposed to hate parents, its called being a teen. Its called being a kid.

As you can tell I'm a pretty big redneck/Republican/Conservative. Yeah, sue me.

Live. Laugh. FUCK OFF.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nazi Mentality

Yes, I said it.

When I say "nazi mentality" I'm talking about music fans.
I like any kind of music really, but my favorite genre is punk; does that mean that its the best and the others suck? No.
How do I explain this?
Boys in my class are crazy about classic rock; understandable. But when they say that its the best and everything else sucks; ok, that's an opinion; fine. But when they state it as if it were a FACT, then that's pretty snobby. Saying that musicians who don't play your favorite genre are "talentless" is arrogant. Yeah, there are musicians who aren't all that good but that's just me. My most irritant encounter is when fans of rock and whatnot and say that rappers are talentless and rap music sucks... and state it as if it were a fact. And then hating somebody or physically hurting them because they have a different musical view is what we call "NAZI MENTALITY".
Think about it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hmm, How About This?

What do you do with an attention grabber? Hmm, lessee... How about... don't pay attention? That saying "let the baby have its bottle" reminds me of the people in my class. This student, we'll call him Zack (like he's gonna find this anyway), is begging for attention but not in a "no one loves me, give me a hug" way... He will:

-Insult people... with "You mamma" jokes (no, I'm not kidding).

-Pick fights with guys who are two times his size

-say jokes that he KNOWS no one will laugh at, yet he continues.

-act plain stupid.

Bottom line; this kid isn't funny. He's annoying and everyone in our class (or school) hates him (including me).

Anyway, Zack will act out and act like a total baby. He wants ATTENTION. He WANTS you to swear at him, and he wants you to act out on him. So, if you have someone like this, what do you do? Its simple; IGNORE HIM. You know if you feed the animals, they'll come back to you, wanting MORE. If you ignore his scrawny, wimpy little ass then he'll see that your not interested in dealing with him, therefor; leaving you alone.
I know what your thinking; that never works! Are you kidding? It works like a charm! I started ignoring him and now he goes and bothers someone else. Your giving him what he wants and that is ATTENTION. He's not a toddler who needs 24/7 care, he's 13 years old! Let him act out, if you don't pay attention then he'll look like even more of an idiot.

Momma didn't raise no fool ;)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Are YOU Thankful for?

It was a project in Religion class. We had to write down what we're thankful for and add them in a prayer. It made me think... what am I thankful for? Well, for a couple, here it is:

-Indoor plumbing (oh where would I be without thee?)

-Living in a free country (Oh Canada...)

-Dahvie Vanity... Don't ask.

-My computer (Muwah!)

-My children... as in; my camera, Mp3 Player, and Portable DVD player (And yes, I did pay for all of those with my own money).


-My awesome-not-always-awesome parents. (=D)

-All properly working limbs


-Adderall (keeps me pinned down and not going crazy... Although sometimes it doesn't work)

-Horse-back riding (You don't know how much that has affected my life... it saved my life).



Think about it; we sometimes take this stuff for granted. All working limbs, food, eyesight, electronics, plumbing... Dahvie Vanity... remember some kids don't this kind of stuff! Appreciate them, before they're gone!

Live. Laugh. Fuck Off!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Hate My Sister.

How she fuckin' embarasses me infront of her friends when I'M NOT THERE, Jesus. I can't wait till her ass moves out of this house. I'll be less stressed without her.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Just More Complaining.

Just a bunch of stuff thats making me frustrated and pissed... no different from the usual.

I got yelled at for singing an innocent song in the middle of a busy hallway. Does that make sense?

Ok, my dad can complain all he wants and no one says anything but when I start to do the exact same thing, I get yelled at but no one tells him to shut his ass up!

Apparently rock music is the only good kind of music. I love rock but excuse me? Does rapping look easy to you? Some of it DOES have meaning you know. And classical music; yeah, not my cup of tea but does playing those instruments look hard? I dare say!

Ok so you people are getting mad at the sixty-year old woman who had a baby because she's "too old". At least she's a fit enough mother and can afford to have a child, unlike some mothers out there. Think about it.

Swearing doesn't make me any less intelligiant. Its a way of expressing yourself, therefor it is a form of art! :D

Nudity in art, to me, is ART. Nude art is a way of showing the beauty of the human body/nature, so whats so bad? So it shows a freaking vagina, like you've never seen one before!

Amanda, the girl who said she hated Paramore, has recieved even death threats for sharing her opinion. So she hates Paramore? I don't see whats so bad? And calling her ugly won't get you anywhere or make Paramore fans anymore powerful. It just makes you look stupid. Sure, like Paramore, but don't send death threats! C'mon, get real!

J.S, if your reading this, I don't like you, stop talking to me, I have nothing nice to say to you.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Never Seizes to Amaze Me!

And trust me, I'm pretty jaded!

I have a pretty big rep in RL for hating everything but this; this is just stupid.
When the bell rings at our school, its typical that our hallways are busy, and since our school is so old the hallways tend to be more narrow. Well, the hallway is packed and you can barely move so what do people do? They have little meetings and get-togethers in the middle of the friggen hallway! Its got me thinking; these people ARE stupid! Overweight kids are taking up the hallway skinny kids are trying to get through and then you decide to start up a little circle of friends? My God! Not only that, but their little knitting circles go on forever so then it TAKES forever to get to our locker, then we're late for class and then the teacher gets mad at us.

God dammit I hate my school.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stupid little Shitheads.

Fuck I don't want a bunch of fucking sixth graders coming to my school who don't know shit about anything wanting me to teach them how to play an instrument only 40 year old virgins know how to play. I won't go 10 feet near those little twats. I don't care about their future, their interests or THEMSELVES in general! If they fail band when they get hear, well what the fuck do I care? Their problem! Not mine, so you know what? Fuck this whole grade six orientation. I don't give a rats ass about kids or their futures. So yeah, take that home and suck it. Not only that but apparently I'm "unhealthy" and "not taking care of myself". Yeah... so? By this point, I really could care less! Yeah, could CARE LESS! By this point, I want to blow my fucking brains out... it wouldn't matter, cause I didn't use my brains to begin with, so fuck it. I'm tired of this fucking dull dungeon. There's ice, snow and gang shootings. Oh yay, my favorite FUCKING place on this planet! Nah, screw those nice, safe and sanitary places... Edmonton is sooo much friggen' better. And who could forget the nice citizens? Even though I want to slap half of them.

This is bullshit. PURE, VILE, GIANT BULLSHIT.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Silly Boy.

So these boys at my school we're talking about music and one of them mentioned the guitar legend, Jimi Hendrix (seen in picture above) and I mentioned "Oh yeah, he's awesome!" And they commented back saying "You don't know shit about him or music!" and I said "How?" and they said it, ready?
"Because your a girl."

So this asshole said I don't know anything about music because I'm a girl. He thinks I and all girls listen to Top 40 music and that's it. Nothing more. Well, I'll have you note I know more about music than what I show. I listen to ANYTHING. I'll listen to Green Day, Katy Perry, Tom Petty, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, Carrie Underwood, Akon, Eminem, Jimi, Bikini Kill, Savage Garden, Gwen Stefani, AC/DC, anything! If I think its a good song, I'll listen to it, even I despise the artist who sings it. And I'll also have you note I've been listening to Hendrix since I was ten. Ok, three years, not alot? I've learned he served in the army (101st Airborn Divison, to be exact), he died in September 1970 and has the name of one of the most legendary guitarist of time.

So next time you say I don't know jack about music, try me.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

No Opinions?!


I feel as if you share your opinion and certain group of people disagree with it, you will get punched in the face; literally. C'mon people, we're more civilized! People should be allowed to say whatever they fuckin' feel like, whether its vulgar, uncommon or positive! I've been getting fucking DEATH threats from certain people. DEATH THREATS. From whom, you may ask?

-Scene kids (the worst)

-Green Day haters (yeah, I know! Its crazy!)

and more random people calling me a "poser", because I said something they don't approve of. Well you wanna see real posers? Search up Good Charlotte on Google Images and there you have it!
But in all seriousness, leave it be. You will find people saying stuff you don't approve of, so shut up and move on.

Yeah, lets see how big your balls are if your crushing people for their views, jackass.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Bitch

I'm tired, too much Chinese food.

But happy New Years, 2009 just came up behind us, didn't it? But yeah, hope you guys had a good 2008, hopefully 2009 will be better.

P.S, nothing is really pissing me off lately... Thats a first! 8-O

About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D