Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teachers SUCK.

Have you ever had a teacher which had an inner bully and would purposly humiliate you in front of the class? Yes, well I do.

My math teacher is one of the biggest assholes I've come across. Just flat out mean.

Now he won't just do this to me, but he will quiet down the class so the class will you hear AND see him purposly humiliate/embarrass you just so he can feel big. This man will make you feel 2 inches tall. He makes sarcastic remarks to make you feel defenseless, and you DO feel defenseless, because lets face it; you can't stand up to a teacher or else it'll result in suspension.
He hates me, I know this much. He'll bully anyone in front of the class. He'll embarrass you to make him feel more powerful. He seems like a very miserable man (he's a sad excuse for a man). He's actually made me feel so uncomfortable. Like this one time; he pulled me out of class one time and ASKED ME IF I SHOWERED. He asked a student if they showered. Um, NO SHIT I SHOWER, idiot! You don't ask someone that! Not only is that extremely creepy, but it's also a bit um, I don't know... RUDE? You're in your mid 30's! GROW UP.
Or another time in grade 7, when he was our french teacher. We just got back from gym and he told us that we stunk, and these were his EXACT words:
"Next class, if I smell any of you guys, I'm going to take you out in the hall individually and smell you to see who's not putting on deodorant."

HE WAS GOING TO TAKE US OUT IN THE HALLWAY AND SMELL US. C'mon! Borderline freakish, in my opinion.
Not only is he an asshole, he sucks at teaching math.
In grade 7, we had the BEST math teacher! She was amazing! Explained everything, went through the notes, just; an amazing teacher. My final mark was 66%. But then she had to leave because she was having a baby.
So in grade 8, Mr. Asshole was our new math teacher. Want to know what my final mark was? 38%.
HOW DOES THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN OVER THE SUMMER? And I've always understood math, until he started teaching and fucking it all up.
Now, in grade 9, my mark is now 40%. I am totally fucked because my math teacher now is a total retard.
And I can't get him fired because teachers are part of a UNION. Who thought of this union and where do they live so I can punch them in the throat? And of course all the other teachers LOVE him >__>


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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D