Tuesday, April 28, 2009

School Update! =D

Its day 171, and I've come to realize that this school and its airheaded students are the reason for my bitter attitude. Vollysluts block my locker, it pisses me off, yet they want to be friends, they are obviously retarded.
Or that creepy Douchy McDouchebag; Tim. NO I do not want a motherfuckin' hug.
Nah, lets talk about Danica (or is it Bianca? Oh well they all look the same) and Scott who just have to make it public that their hormones are all jacked up. They have had PDA's in the consession line up, in the hall, and just about anywhere where they can get they're filthy little paws on each other. Hey, you horny motherfuckers; that ain't love! You want love? My parents; strong for 20 years. You guys call each other "babe" and "hunni"... my parents call each other Lorraine and Mike. Pet names don't mean you love each other... it means you guys are trying too hard. Fuck!
I feel like a retard magnet. Wherever I go, I have dumbasses following behind. I try to be alone but they think I just looove attention.
Well you know what?
Yeah; who wants the attention now, bitch?!
On the bus? Gr. 7 boys who laugh like little girls whilst wearing the "I'M A DOUCHY WHITE BOI!!" hat while standing there at the bus stop looking all badass and shit.
One time, they were going to miss the bus.
I smiled.
They got to the bus stop then the bus drove awau.
I grinned.
They slipped on ice.
I laughed.
One of them goes unconcious.
I laugh harder.
I used to be the only kid who knew about the 60 bus. then those brats who don't know shit about shit discovered this bus existed and they decide to ride it... Its weird, the bus travels to Millwoods, they all live in Millbourne... Huh, weird.
And then, wherever I sit down... they sit down right next to me and I can't get a moment of fucking quiet!
What bothers me even more? Everyone at my school think they're hot shit. Especially the asians. Now before you go all batshit on me, I do not hate the asian race. No, that's not what I hate. I hate the people who think that because they're asian, they're better than everyone else. Well guess what I say to that;
Kiss my whiskey lovin, short tempered, greenwhite&orange GERMAN ASS.
Hm, glad I could be of assistance! Just because your asian, does NOT mean your fucking Jesus.
And so what if I'm unpleasent? So WHAT if I'm unhappy? I like it that way! Makes my personality more... colorful =D
Fuck the people who want to spark up a conversation with me. Because I'm not your friend, and I never will be, so shut the hell up.
And fuck Zoe. Uh huh. Your not funny, your not unique and your not a lesbian! Stop fucking acting like one. You'll still have those tits, and you'll still get your time of the month rather you like it or not. YOUR NOT A LESBIAN. So screw you up the ass with a 10 ft pole.

Live. Laugh. FUCK OFF.

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About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D