Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sexualities and Small Children.

Whoa, thats a contrast!

Anyway, onto the point;

I hate it when a famous person comes out and says they're gay/bisexual and then thats all people ever pay attention to. Not the person's talent, personality; no. We all have to focus on their sexuality!

Well, what I say to that;

Why must we care?

Remember Freddy Mercury? The lead singer of Queen and probably one of the best vocalists, yeah; he was gay. Was that what people focused on? Well maybe some, but the majority of Queen fans focused on HIM as a person. They put the fact that he was gay aside and focused on what was important; his talent and abilities.

Or Ellen Degeneres; she married a woman; does that affect her ability to entertain? No. Hell, I still laugh at her show; she's funny. Do people care if she's gay? Maybe the Republicans, but I know I don't.

Lets just put being gay/bisexual aside and focus on the person and what they do or their personality, not their orientation.

Next, small children... and wild animals.

I hate children and I'm a better parent than some people out there, sad.

I was reading FHOTD's blog and it read:

"We have to show the horse being ponied off a quad, lying down on command (well, I don't think the rolling part that followed was part of the command), being led around with a tiny helmetless infant on his back, and---"


See this is why I hate stupid people. You DO NOT, I repeat YOU DO NOT put a toddler/infant on a horses back with NO HELMET. You listen to me; horses are unpredictable at times. The smallest thing could trigger them off (large vehicles driving by, sudden movements etc) and when a horse spooks they back away suddenly, rear, or just go ballistic. And when a horse is going ballistic, the last place you want to be is on the back of the spazzy horse. If a horse can send an adult flying, imagine what they could do with a baby/toddler. I'm not saying that horses are dangerous, but they can be at times. Thats 5000 lbs of muscle and hooves; and if something does spook a horse with an infant on its back, that infant will GET HURT. I don't care if your leading the horse! I hate to say this but there's a 1-5 chance that you won't be able to save your kid if your up front and its on the spazzing horse. And all horses are different, and they may react differently to different things but you never know.

And having the kid helmetless? All I have to say to that is this:

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D