Sunday, April 5, 2009


Fuck no.

Just because I'm under the age of 18 doesn't make me stupid.
Yes, I hate my teacher though. Not all of them, just her.
She is an intimidating, unbearable, pyscho. I cannot STAND to be apart of her class! Here's why:

We had to write an essay on discrimination in L.A and I handed mine in. She said she didn't get it, so I had to redo it at lunchtime. No biggie. Then we got a progress report and it said I was missing that assignment. I told her I redid it at lunchtime under HER supervision and handed it in to her, but no; apparently I was wrong, because she said I never handed it in. I am now missing 15% of my mark, even though I VIVIDLY remember handing it to her that lunchtime. She was trying to convince me I was wrong and I never handed it in, then she got into this big lecture, and I quote, "how you should stop drawing and start doing my work FOR ONCE." For once? Listen woman, I did your work already! I tried being your #1 student but if your gonna be unfair about it, no more Miss. Nice girl.
Sure, there ARE assignments I never handed in, and those assignments she wants me to do; ok, I will. But I'm not allowed to do them at home. I have to do them at lunchtime so she can watch me. Look lady I'm doing your work, what more do you want? A fucking footrub? Ew, no.

Think she would respect me more if I was on the volleyball team?

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D