Monday, May 4, 2009

Nerve Problem? HA!

I've had a problem with the disease known as stupid. There's the everlasting fascination with that bitch with 8 kids, people thinking I'm weird because I think outloud, wholegrain... but THIS; this is the icing on the cake!

My school's VP telling us that Zac has a nerve problem which makes him say things that he doesn't know what they mean so therefor we should cut him slack.
Nerve problem? NERVE PROBLEM? They made that shit up, I'm sure of it!
This kid doesn't have Terrets, he doesn't have autism. You know what he has? He has the disease, Iisstupidneosis. Also known as, stupidity.
When she said "cut him slack" it was pretty obvious she meant "sympathize" him.
Sympathize? SYMPATHIZE? I'll symathize the starving children of the world, cancer patients, paralyzed people, hurricane/tsunami/tornado survivors and homeless animals. But never, in my life, would I show pity for a stupid person. You approach a grizzly bear expecting a cute picture but instead it rips your head off, you know what? You deserved it, buddy! You walk up to someone 10x your height and start mouthing off and that person gives you a broken leg and black eye... You deserved it! I show NO remorse for dumb people and their dumb decisions, so don't even make up some fake brain problem and say he has it because you know what? He doesn't! ADHD maybe, but I'm not gonna pity him for ADHD. I have ADD, where's my bloody parade?!
Or he could have the disease known as myparentssuckedatraisingmesonowimouthoff-neosis.
Its a life threatening disease.


Live.Laugh.Fuck OFF!

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D