Friday, March 13, 2009

Nazi Mentality

Yes, I said it.

When I say "nazi mentality" I'm talking about music fans.
I like any kind of music really, but my favorite genre is punk; does that mean that its the best and the others suck? No.
How do I explain this?
Boys in my class are crazy about classic rock; understandable. But when they say that its the best and everything else sucks; ok, that's an opinion; fine. But when they state it as if it were a FACT, then that's pretty snobby. Saying that musicians who don't play your favorite genre are "talentless" is arrogant. Yeah, there are musicians who aren't all that good but that's just me. My most irritant encounter is when fans of rock and whatnot and say that rappers are talentless and rap music sucks... and state it as if it were a fact. And then hating somebody or physically hurting them because they have a different musical view is what we call "NAZI MENTALITY".
Think about it.

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D