Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You're Kid

Isn't cute/gifted/special OR anything of those sorts.

When I was little I don't fucking remember--or knowing-- ANY kid who had to take medication/had to be put in a "special class". You wanna know why little Timmy won't listen in class and would rather be outside hurting other boys in his class? No, its not because he has fuckin A.D.D. Its because he's a KID. He doesn't need any treatment/medication/special class because ya know what? He's just being a KID! I never knew being a kid was a handicap... Bullshit.
This kid in my class, Taylor (he wanted us to call him Zack... which quickly turned into Zaggot.)he whines, he's rude, he has an attitude, and he's quite stupid. Well, our grades are divided in class. 8B, 8C, 9B, 9C etc etc. but then theres 8A and 9A which is apparently for "slow learning kids". They decided to stick 8A with 8B so now its 8AB. But anyway, I think their bullshit. Slow learning kids? Mental dissabilites? I CALL BULLSHIT!
There's no such thing as "special" children. Its just toddlers, kids, adolescences, adults, elders. No "special". There's smart people then there's dumb people. Yeah, some brains don't function well. Its called FUCKING DOWN SYNDROME. Not A.D.D! NOT A.D.H.D! Just because Zack's a dumbass along with a few others doesn't mean they need to be put in a individual class! Put them in 8B and 8C and there you have it; two classrooms. No inbetweenies. And if those "special" kids fail the class, so? Kids fail! My teacher told me that since parents are upset that they're not allowed to fail anyone. So if a dumb kid fails every single class, your gonna pass him? Nuh uh! I don't care if parents are upset! You make that snot-nosed brat redo the 8th grade until he finally gets the whole thing! If you keep passing him when he doesn't understand anything, and he doesn't listen anyway, and he graduates... thats another moron stepping out into the world. Yeah, 'cause we need one of those again. Some kids are smarter then others. No such thing as "special". Just because your kid doesn't focus in class doesn't mean you pump his viens with Adderall. It means you start teaching him to listen, and if he doesn't, then he repeats the grade. Yeah, he may hate you (you as in the parents) but he'll thank you in the future. He supposed to hate parents, its called being a teen. Its called being a kid.

As you can tell I'm a pretty big redneck/Republican/Conservative. Yeah, sue me.

Live. Laugh. FUCK OFF.

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D