Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Two Inches Tall

Don'tcha just hate it when teachers do that?

"You didn't finish your homework. That is totally unacceptable. You are completley irresponsible. I'm tired of this crap. How about you work on your other homework that you didn't get done in those other classes? I'm not a babysister!"
"You all pretty much failed your quiz. That is total garbage. TOTAL garbage. I don't even think I should bother anymore. I bet you all didn't study. That's not surprising... you guys never do anything around here."

And what is even worse is that if we stand up for ourselves, guess where we're being sent? Principle's Office. I just hate it when teachers do that! And some of them... yes, they're right... but sometimes they only do it because they know that we can't fight back and if we do we get in trouble. It pisses me off. Well, now I can defend myself.

I just thought I'd say that verbally putting down one of your students is shallow; no matter how stupid they actually are. Yeah, sometimes your right but making us feel worthless... c'mon, your over age 15 now. You can stop.
Secondly, at an age where a teenager's self esteem isn't at its highest. With drama and sick media, you just decide to put them down like that? When some of them already think their worthless because of image and you go and say they'll amount to nothing? Your a teacher; your supposed to help us through life by giving us an education... your not doing a really good job. So stop putting your students down like that. "Oh I was just kidding"... no, you weren't. Stop trying to cover it up.

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D