Wednesday, October 29, 2008


If you hate emo, then you must hate this.


Yes, no one knows exactly where this putrid trend came from, but its here; its queer; and its repulsive.
If you search up "scene girl" on photobucket; do you notice something? Oh yeah, ALL OF THEM LOOK THE SAME.
Individual my ass. C'mon! Their eyes look like a raccoon's, all of them are making "funny" faces (and I use that term loosely), and they all have horrible hair extentions. They claim to be "unique" when they all look exactly alike... Huh? And yes of course they all claim themselves as "random".
"did u know that dinos go rawr? yes im random and proud of it x.!"
You know whats random, little scene girl?
Going up to someone and humping their legs while screaming tits or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Random is out of the ordinary. Not a girl who's from suburbia with choppy, colorful hair while wearing pants two sizes too small.
I hate scene, with a firey passion. Am I the only one? Has it become, like a trend to be a poser? Ugh, I can't take it anymore! GTFO the internet, scene kids. You annoy the fuck out of everybody... Your just an illousion of your own imagination, and your lacking a personality.
Live. Laugh. FUCK OFF.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Shut the FUCK up about Twilight!

I don't care if its about vampires or some shit, just SHUT UP!

Ok, so I'm searching for some cool songs to listen to, but then there's that one comment that always says:
"Oh my god this fits Twilight so much!"
"This totally fits Edward and whatshername from Twilight!"
"I like Jacob better..."

Like seriously.
shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP.
I saw a comment like those on an IRON MAIDEN VIDEO. Iron FRIGGIN' Maiden! What do they have to do with Twilight? NOTHING. Metal band... shitty book... lets do the math, shall we?
SHUT UP ABOUT TWILIGHT! Oh and what do they do? Of course, after an overrated book... comes the movie. You people owe me three years of my life back, you losers.
-Edward Cullen is NOT hott. For God's sake, I'd rather bang Larry King than Edward Cullen. Don't lie. You know you'd tap that 75 year old's ass if you got the chance.
-Pirates are SO much better than vampires. So are zombies. So why, WHY do you people talk about them so much?! WHY?!
Don't give me the "Oh you haven't read the book so you shouldn't have an opinion on it!"
Sister, opinions are like assholes; everybody has one.
Am I only one that just cannot STAND the name Twilight? Am I the only one that can't stand hearing about it? Good LORD!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Am I Not Perfect?

My math teacher does NOT like me at all. He likes all the other kids that are failing and he's there to help them but apparently I'm not doing it right. I was quite proud of myself today when I actually got the concept so I showed him and I had one little mistake and he made it seem like I'm an idiot that can't get anything right. I try really hard because I don't hate him, at all. Not one bit, in fact he's one of my favorite teacher but nothing I do is right for him. I try insanly hard to get it and I'm doing my best but everything has failed. I just want one of the teachers I like to like me back. He says he loves all his students. Is it the way I look? I will say that I'm not the prettiest flower but not the ugliest. I've told him I have ADD and it does affect the way I work but I'm back on medication to help me focus but its just not working! I want to be one of his best students, I've tried really, really hard to make him happy with me but he just doesn't like me. The one time I actually show him my work and he slaps me in the face (metaphor).
I tried, Mr. Matire, but if your going to be like that, what's the point?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Two Inches Tall

Don'tcha just hate it when teachers do that?

"You didn't finish your homework. That is totally unacceptable. You are completley irresponsible. I'm tired of this crap. How about you work on your other homework that you didn't get done in those other classes? I'm not a babysister!"
"You all pretty much failed your quiz. That is total garbage. TOTAL garbage. I don't even think I should bother anymore. I bet you all didn't study. That's not surprising... you guys never do anything around here."

And what is even worse is that if we stand up for ourselves, guess where we're being sent? Principle's Office. I just hate it when teachers do that! And some of them... yes, they're right... but sometimes they only do it because they know that we can't fight back and if we do we get in trouble. It pisses me off. Well, now I can defend myself.

I just thought I'd say that verbally putting down one of your students is shallow; no matter how stupid they actually are. Yeah, sometimes your right but making us feel worthless... c'mon, your over age 15 now. You can stop.
Secondly, at an age where a teenager's self esteem isn't at its highest. With drama and sick media, you just decide to put them down like that? When some of them already think their worthless because of image and you go and say they'll amount to nothing? Your a teacher; your supposed to help us through life by giving us an education... your not doing a really good job. So stop putting your students down like that. "Oh I was just kidding"... no, you weren't. Stop trying to cover it up.

Monday, October 20, 2008

You Want a Rant?

Bring it on, bitch!

I am sick and tired of that damn "animal rights" group PETA, out to ruin ever single god damn holiday that pops up on the calender. Hey, I guess all of us would be that upset too if we had some object that far up our asses!
-Easter: Millions of chickens are abused for their eggs!
-Halloween: The candies people give out are tested on animals!
-Thanksgiving: Turkies are slaughtered harshly!
-Christmas: The Santa Claus' at the mall? Their jackets are made of animal fur!

I don't care, I never cared and I will never ever, ever, ever CARE! But apparently all of you do!
Can I just have one, just ONE freaking holiday where PETA isn't bringing us all down? Of course! EVERYTHING is realted to animals! Every single little thing on this planet is cruel to animals! Listen, if you want to give to an actual helpful animal orginization, give to the SPCA. Their deserving; these buzkills aren't.
No, because Christmas isn't a happy season. Its all so fake! The media is lying to you little kids! Pfft. The real liars are PETA and their damn propoganda.
Excuse, I'm going to go eat a cheeseburger. Because I LOVE MEAT. But I love animals too, so shut up.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

And You Wonder Why?

Apparently, a bunch of AMV's (Animated Music Video's) are getting removed on Youtube because of copyright laws. And now a bunch of these AMV makers are bitching and complaining.
"Oh well, I put a disclaimer! It shouldn't of gotten removed! And it had so many views!"
"Youtube is being stoopid again!!"
No, your being stupid. Your the one using movies/tv shows without permission from the rightful owner and putting a cheesy love song in the background. Well no fucking wonder Youtube removed it! So what if you put a disclaimer? What the hell is that gonna do?
"Well this 16 year old obviously meant well, we'll let her off the hook even though it took us three years to make that movie!"
Cry me a river, build a bridge and jump off of it. You seriously think that making a group on Youtube called AMV Legal or whatever will change their minds? You really think their gonna make it legal to make a video with THEIR pieces of work? Do you know ANYTHING about copyright laws?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

You're Just Like a Pill...

Instead of making me better, you making me ill.

Its not usual I do a post like this, but this time I'm getting serious.
"You" probably don't know I'm aiming this at "you". "You" are the causes of all my pain, but "you" are one of my heroes. Why do I feel like this? Is it because "you" have other people to take care of? Do I envy them? Am I going out of my mind? "You" helped me get through the hardest of times, but why are "you" making me hurt so much? I feel horrible and guilty I feel this way, but "you" are the only one who can help, but I can't reach "you". Its impossible.
Help me, Oh God just help me. I thought this would be fun.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

You Shouldn't Really Care...

Why? WHY?

A message to Jonas Brothers fangirls:
Don't tell us not to voice our opinion. Not everyone will love the Jonas Brothers. Hey, there are hate videos of Green Day on youtube, do I watch them? No, do I care? No... so should you care about hate videos on JB? No!
You fangirls have the mentality of a Nazi.
"You don't like the sexy Jonas Brothers! You suck, go die!"
Nazis believed that they we're right and whoever though otherwise was wrong. Well, same with these rabid fangirls we're dealing with. Whoever loves the Jonas Brothers are right, and who doesn't like them is wrong. C'mon... really?
In life, there will be people who object towards your opinion. I'm the same age as these girls, and I've accepted that fact. Have they? Nope. Because their spoiled, bratty, shallow dogs and their parents are retards.
No, we're not gonna pity them because Nice has diabetes! BILLIONS of celebrities who are more worthy than him have diabetes, for example:
-James Brown
-Johnny Cash
-Randy Jackson
-Tommy Lee
-Elvis Presley
-Neil Young
You know what these artists did? They didn't whine about it. They sucked it up, and went on. Does anyone feel sorry for them? No.
Yeah, you fans got 50,000 people back you up? Cool, glad you have an army. Good luck with that.
I didn't start this war, but its on.

Old and New Green Day?

Well, apparently "hardcore" Green Day fans don't like the "new" Green Day. The "hardcore" fans think they sold out. The "hardcore" fans think they are now faggots and they love the "old" Green Day. Lemme tell you something, "hardcore" fans:

a) Your acting as if its a bad thing that Green Day is evolving as artists
b) You know, no one can stay in their early 20's forever. They had to grow up someday.
c) The REAL hardcore Green Day fans are fans of the band, old or new. They love the band, with or without eyeliner.

I cannot believe the ignorancy of some people.
"Blah, Green Day sold out when American Idiot came out". If you were a fan, you would know that Green Day was never in it for the money.

"We make music for ourselves, and if people like it, then great." ~ Mike Dirnt

C'mon guys! They grew up. Their in their fucking mid 30's now. Do you really think they we're gonna stay the same? Every artist will evolve and then their music will start to change. Don't like it? Tough shit. Its bound to happen to a band one time or another.
And enough of this "they sold out" horseshit. For the final time;


Again, its called growing up. Again, their in their mid 30's. I would think that they would change between '94 to '08.
Old or new, Green Day is still the same, and if you call yourself a hardcore fan and think they aren't the same, then your not a fan.

Peace. Love. Fuck off.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fuck it.

I hate my computer! I was working on homework for one of my bitchy teachers and then it goes and freezes on me! I was gonna make a video for my L.A project but no, this SONOVABITCH goes and crashes and then I have to start all of over again! I was in for fucking 2 minutes and 30 seconds and then I have to redo this shit? Fuck that! I'm just gonna tell her my computer is being a big fat dickweed. You know what? I don't even think it was my computer, it was Windows Movie Maker. Those fuckers always freeze on me, God damnit!
Ergggg. I just had to get that off my system. Damn computer.

Oh, Happy Thanksgiving everyone (who's Canadian!)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Walt, Come Back!


Excuse me, but lemme clear something for you people who think Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are the only Disney couple.

I can name a BUNCH of Disney couples:
-Mickey and Minnie Mouse
-Daisy and Donald Duck
-Jane and Tarzan
-Belle and the Beast
-Simba and Nala

And tons MORE.

God, who took over Disney? Can I slam an axe into their throat?! Hey, wanna keep Walt Disney's legacy going? Make some good, 2D animation movies! Whoever you are, you've turned Disney into a cesspool! Who's fucking GENIOUS idea was it to make High School Musical? And who dumped Miley Cyrus there?!

Remember the good ol' days... where when their motto actually made sense? Look whats coming out; Camp Rock. How did we get from Snow White to CAMP ROCK? Camp motherfucking ROCK?
I'm just so shocked at to what Disney Pictures has turned into. And I love Pixar (I love Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo) but this whole "real life" shit is getting on my nerves. The only real life movie Disney has brought to us is Pirates of the Carribian(Only the first one). Like is anyone else realizing whats happening? Just because fairytales aren't as modern, doesn't mean they suck. And no, I don't mean sequels of Cinderella. I just mean like a casual princess movie would be nice. Talking animals, all that stuff. It would be a nice break from Camp Cock.
I wish Walt Disney was still alive, I miss him.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Christmas Movies

Ugh, same thing; over and over again. Thanks Disney, you've now offically ruined my love for Christmas.

Every year there's that one Christmas movie that is just dreadful. I think this year's is gonna be about a puppy. Now mind you, some Christmas movies are just awesome (eg: Elf, Its a Wonderful Life, Bad Santa, A Christmas Story, The Polar Express, ) but some, like I mean c'mon! Be just a little bit original! Lemme guess; this movie is gonna be about:

A homeless puppy is gets dropped off at a shelter during the Christmas season when a little girl around 7-8 years wants him but she can't get him and her mom lives in an appartment while her parents are divorced and the girl gets the dog for Christmas. Oh, and it takes place in New York City.
If thats what its about, someone hold me whilst I cry.
Like really! Can we have ONE, just ONE Christmas movie that doesn't take place in New York City? How about New Hampshire? Colorado? MONTANA? Fucking MONTANA!
I just want some Christmas movie that has a little bit of originality (like the ones I mentioned up there). And why do puppies have to be the main Christmas gift for a little girl? What about a hippopotamus? Like Gayla Peevey? God damnit!
Fine. Make your stupid, cheesy Christmas movies. They won't get good reviews anyway.

About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D