Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Birthday

Yay, I'm turning 13! And don't really think anything could really bring me down today. My friends are coming over, and cake! Dairy Queen ice cream nonetheless! Yum!

Aaaaaaaaaaanyway, coming in my teen years, unfortunatly I can't refer to myself as a preteen, or kid, or anything but a TEENAGER. Gah, one of the things I hate most!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Preps Stole Converse from Punks?

...Can you repeat that, I was too distracted with the shit spewing from your mouth.

Its the same with saying you stole the idea of baggy pants from gangsters or you stole the idea of a layered burger from McDonald's. C'mon people! Punks were NOT the first ones to wear converse. Kids back in the 70's wore them, and they were I guess "non-punk" (for lack of a better word). Average joe's wear them... Listen people who aren't "punk" and wear Chucks; don't listen to those people. Converse were meant for anybody. And I'm not a fan of labels anyway. Yes, Converse have become quite the trend but to hate the people who wear whatever shoe they feel like (not because they want to be trendy) is stupid. Wear whatever shoes you like.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I think my generation is in a state of 911.

SCENE is not unique. SCENE is for people who are dull, trendy and lack a personality. UNIQUE is about being different. Abnormal. Just because your "random" doesn't make you unique. Being unique is being your own self and not following what people are doing. You kiddies should know this by now.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'll try to think about the last time

I had a good time, everyone's got somewhere to go.

Three rants on the same day! Damn, I'm on a roll!

Well, apparently nobody really likes me except for my friends. I guess word got out that I despise the scenexcore shit, and I got egged by a couple of scene girls at my school. Along with a tomato. Joy. Wait, thats not the best part!
I have to stay for lunch tomorrow for my LA teacher AND then after school for my sonovabitch math teacher, and Lord knows if I had homework this weekend! Haha, and none of my sisters are home, BOTH out with their boyfriends! Studies show that the youngest out of all siblings has the least successful life. Of fucking course. My "friend" is trying to change my mind because she doesn't like the way I think, again. Oh well, I have other friends to lean on. Ones who don't try to change my opinion. Ones that accept me for my flaws, opinions, ups and downs.
Oh wait, I do have homework! I gotta write an essay on what I want to do with my life. What do I want to do with my life? Nothing. I wanted to be an equestrian, a drummer and a comedian but I can only choose one. Lord help me.
Goddamnit I need a slurpy. Tomorrow is gonna be in the shithole. Wish me luck.


Cut the shit you drama whores!
I don't care about breyerfest, I don't care about KaitxJonas and I definetly don't care on how you hate each other so much!
CUTE THE SHIT already!
You people with your fucking drama over the internet! As if it couldn't get any worse in RL, you little prebubescent bitches go and do it online! STOP acting tough to each other, stop the swearing and stop being little immature retards! Ever seen little kids in grade two have a fight? Yeah like this is any different?! Calling each other names back and fourth, being mean to each other, blah, blah, blah, MOTHERFUCKING blah! Just shut up already! In the words of Yukon Jack:
"I DON'T CARE, I NEVER CARED, AND I WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER CARE! BUT apparently all of you do! All I want to know is WHY?!"
Like just cut it out already!
Its all She said this and she did that and were gonna bust his balls to pieces or that bitch wants a fight! How old are we? Nine? No, we're around 15, 16, 17. So start fucking acting like it! Yeah I don't wanna hear "well I don't wanna act my age!" You know what I don't want to do? Put up with your name calling, bitching and pissing and moaning all day! Just cut it the FUCK out! Enough with the hate videos, enough with the childish name calling, enough with all this drama! Just ignore them and get on with your lives, you losers.

I Hate These Parts.

Yet another loss in my life, God; why do you do these things?!

I'm within loss of a very good friend of mine. We were like sisters, but she's gonna be leaving now. Forever and on.
Mic, I don't know what I'm going to do without you. You were one of the greatest friends I've ever known, and those are rare.

*I miss you because everytime something funny happens, I'm used to telling you about it.*

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Its JUST Youtube.

I love youtube. I love its videos, its users but some just take this site way too seriously.
"Someone gave me one star on my video! Who keeps doing this?! AHH!"
"I don't have 100 subscribers! Waah...
HAHA, calm down. Its just youtube. Do ratings mean that much to you? Just enjoy your little youtube life and stop worrying about it so much. Youtube is a place where you can voice your opinion through video. Not where you have to be a self ricious complaining little shithead where if you get one star you start to cry. Like c'mon! Your acting like its death to get one star, to lose one subscriber. Just get on with your life! What your telling me when you complain about one star is:
a) Your so full of yourself that when you get a bad rating you act like its a sin
b) Your a big cry baby.
Just calm down and have fun. Who knows? You could get suspended tomorrow. Might as well make it worth your while.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I love Alvin and the Chipmunks.

But when you go and ruin a perfectly good song by making in "chimpmunk-ized" I have a pretty good reason to hate you.
Search up a song, ANY song and on the first page you will find the chimpmunk version of it. Do you not know how much it kills the original version? It totally massacres it. Just rips it apart. I support youtube in removing these videos. They suck, the chipmunk versions suck, Again, I love Alvin and the Chipmunks! I watched it when I was little but really; just stop the chipmunk songs. Its horrid.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Now Do You See WHY?

Why we don't bully kids?

Do you wanna know why some kids in Junior High/High School go biserk in their school with a gun, killing teachers and students? You want to know why? Because knob jockeys have bullied them their whole lives. Wanna know why some teens plan out these plans to destroy their school? It's because of some group of people bullied them, calling them names and ruining their lives. Wonder why some girls commit suicide at such a young age? Its because some girls like to fight dirty and put the other female downs so bad, that it drives them to the point of insanity to the part where its all too much to handle and then BAM! They blow their brains out.
Ok, well this is going for all teens out there:
Don't want your school being shot up? Don't bully other kids! Simple as that! Because you never know what one kid is capable of. Trust me, I know. So if you want to avoid havok, just don't bully/tease/cause drama/spread rumors/be a dick. Ugh, is it that hard for me to get that through to you?!

Congrats to Barack Obama on winning the 2008 election!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If He Doesn't Want to...

He doesn't want to!

Ok, so in band class I have this classmate, Allan, who is a very talented percussionist, and can play the intro from the song "Run for the Hills" by Iron Maiden. So the first time he played it on the drumset we have, everyone was amazed but then the second time he looked kind of bored then the third time he didn't want to play it. But then this fat kid, Justin was all like "OMG ALLAN PLAY RUN FOR THE HILLZ!! ITS AWESOME!!!" And basically begging on his knees for Allan to play it and Allan's like "well I don't want to." and Justin was like "BUT WHY?!"

Bottom line: don't force somebody to do something they don't wanna do! Simple. If they want to, then all the power to them but if they DON'T, just leave them be. Just basic common sense.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm not Arrogant...

I'm just very opinionated!

This rant is about something that is quite controversial,(sp?) but I just need to say something about it.

Personally, I'm pro choice. I think that if its not your uterus, then its none of your buisness. Yes, you should wear a condom but for example:
What if a girl is raped and becomes pregnant? She couldn't control getting pregnant, and if she's not in a good position to raise a child, I think that it should be her choice to get an abortion. Now frankly, I couldn't care one way or the other if your pro life or not. But there is always that one person who just pushes you and pushes you to the limit to make you join their side. I'm just tired of some of those people pushing their beliefs on you. It gets annoying.
"Oh well, your pro abortion! BABY KILLER!"
I said I was pro choice... not pro abortion. Silly Goose, don't be so gullible. I'm pro Choice, get over it. Stop trying to force your opinion onto mine.

About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D