Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rodeo and PETA/Shark

One of them I hate oustandingly.

Can you guess which one?


I came from Ireland to Canada when I was six and since I was interested in horses, my dad bought us two tickets to the CFR (Candian Finals Rodeo). We went and it was AWESOME! I loved it, and it has been a tradtion for seven years; not long, but long enough. But last year we went and we we're walking into Rexall when some people in blue t-shirts with PETA stamped across them came up to us. They were showing us pictures from some rodeos around the US that we're cruel so they expected us to believe that every rodeo was cruel. My dad just walked away when they yelled "Don't be heartless!" but my dad yelled back "F*** off."
Well, I did research on this PETA group and some of the stuff that they did... are they a terrorist group? Just curious? Are they?

Anyway, back on the rodeo subject.
I hear these teenaged "horse crazy" girls whining on youtube on this video:
You know what, PETA?

If you don't like it you can kiss THE FATTEST PART OF MY ASS. I love rodeo. I love the excitement, the adrenaline, everything about it.
Doesn't matter what you think, we're gonna do it anyway.

Human beings are not stupid enough to be convinced that all rodeos are the exact same. All PETA does is repeat the same clips over and over again! They try to convince you that all rodeos are like that! YOU'RE BUYING INTO THEIR PROPAGANDA. For Christ sake they were standing outside of McDonald's giving kids their version of a happy meal. Guess what the toy was? A DEAD RODENT.

They blew up a Science Research Lab! They took the animals out but what the hell does that change?
Here are some facts on that little organization:

- PETA has killed over 97% of the animals it's taken into its care. (In the year 2006, 2,981 animals were killed, whereas only 12 were adopted.)

- PETA has given over $100,000 to arsonists and convicted criminals to blow stuff up and create havoc, rather than helping animals.

- PETA gave a man $70,000 after he bombed a University research lab.

- While PETA collects millions in donations by pretending to advocate for the welfare of animals, the group has killed 17,400 pets since 1998. Some animals are killed at PETA headquarters and stored in a giant walk-in freezer, which cost just under $10,000.

- Since 1998, PETA has transferred a total of 130 animals to other shelters, and 21 of them were chickens. By comparison, it killed over 10,000 animals.

- Many PETA members have been brainwashed and as a result, have maimed and even killed other humans beings in the name of animals. How does violence like this solve anything?

- PETA kills animals. Because it has other financial priorities

- such as hiring arsonists to do terrorism and murder, making a giant walk-in freezer to store dead animals in, and ads in attempt to brainwash today's youth.

How f***en stupid.

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D