Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fake Rebels

Oh goodie!
Their are girls at my school who think their "so rebellious" when their not. Oh my god, you talked back to a teacher! Your so rebel. You wear skinny jeans, converse, a head bandanna, and a baggy tee, you must be so hardcore.
God, it makes me sad that I might even go through the stage of where I think I know everything, like the girls I'm referring to. They think their so rebellious because they're too cool so they stand against the wall at school and they swear and hate their parents just because their parents were nagging them to clean their room with pinups of Fall Out Boy etc. NOTHING IN THE WORLD PISSES ME OFF MORE THAN POSERS.
Here's how the story goes:
Teacher: Hey don't play around here
Faux Rebel Kid: I'm Just having fun *sticks out tongue*
Friend: God your so rebellious
You. Are not. REBELLIOUS.
Being rebellious means standing up for your beliefs when your in a place where they won't let you. Being rebellious means objecting to a demand that is against what you believe in and saying "Hey, you can't change who I am". Not talking back to a teacher just because your in a bitchy mood or you think you wanna be cool. Rebellion is not about dressing a certain way, its about standing up for what your beliefs are. Rather its Chritianity, Seek, Athieism, whatever! Taking a stand against something that's WRONG. Not standing against the teacher because she told you to stop talking while he/she was teaching a lesson. Your not prooving to the world that your rebellious just because your an angst ridden teen who thinks life is so unfair because you have idols of authority that are helping you achieve a future. Not unless the teacher makes a racist, sexist or vulgar comment to you, keep your mouth shut and let them do their job.

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D