Monday, July 14, 2008

You Bitch.


Alright, this is how it goes:
Well, since the horse I usually ride, Coyote is at my teacher's Iris' house for the summer, I'm riding a horse named Daisy. This was my first time riding her, so I wasn't that comfortable on her yet. Anyway, some woman (age 19-20) is watching my PRIVATE lesson and when my riding instructor Lisa said I had the wrong lead, the woman gave me a dirty look. I was confused, but ignored it.
Then after, when I was doing the jumps, she starts shaking her head at me. Lisa said I was doing fine, so I paid no attention.
The when the lesson was over, I was walking Daisy into the barn when the same woman came up to me. This is what she said:
"I saw you riding. Half of the time you were trotting your diagnal was wrong, you obviously don't know how to canter and you put too much pressure on the horse's neck. Oh and you were pulling too hard on her mouth."
Let me note, I do NOT know this woman. She is not one of the TA's, and not one of the instructors, because their's only two; Iris and Lisa.
I asked if Lisa told her to tell me that and she's like "No. I just felt like pointing out your flaws."
Dude, not only is that extremely rude to say something like that, but I don't even know this woman! Well I got something to say:
I am NOT gonna listen to some random chick. I'm gonna listen to the teachers who went through 25 years of Equine Studies.
And you know what? Success is made from making mistakes. Not being perfect. And guess what? THIS IS MY EFFING LIFE AND YOU WEREN'T INVITED SO THERE'S THE DOOR.
If I could, my fist would be in her face so fast. Lisa is my riding instructor. I will listen to HER. NOT YOU, you complete stranger.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Emo kids

This rant was bound to show up somewhere.

Emo kids. There everywhere. At the mall, movies, everywhere. Whining about how much their life sucks when all that happened was that their parents yelled at them. Maybe we should ship them down to Africa and then they get to see how much their life "sucks".
I own a pair of Chucks (converse) but now I can't wear them because of these damn emo kids making a new trend. Those shoes were a sign of individuality.
And they're just mocking people who are actually diagnosed with depression.
But seriously, there are EMOtionally disturbed kids who say that hating on emos is racist. In all honesty, I laughed. I actually LAUGHED. Black people don't choose to be black, their born like that. Asian people don't choose to be asian. Their born asian. Emo's however CHOOSE to be emo, therefor they are not a race. Why do you think they call it RACE-ist? Because your hating on a RACE. And hey, just because you tell me to stop sharing my opinion on emo's, doesn't mean I'm going to. I live in a country with freedom of speech. And I think you would get pretty annoyed if people who whine and walk around like their dead were everywhere you turn.
But what REALLY grinds my gears is how people think that emo is punk. Hahahahaha... what? Do the Ramones look emo? Do The Clash look emo? What about The Exploited? Or Sex Pistols? THOSE ARE PUNK. Emo is Bullet for my Valentine, Fall Out Boy (ick), and dare I say it? MCR.
Trash me if you like, this is just my opinion.
So emo kids, go buy yourself a Happy Meal and deal with SHIT HAPPENING.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Diet DIET Pop

Silly, I know.

First, their was Coca Cola... then their was Pepsi... then... out of all things, their was DIET PEPSI (no sugar added). But, since they wanted more money and fat people were complaining, they made Diet Pepsi, no sugar added OR caffeine. Ok, so what does that leave us with?





Seriously, I can't find regular pepsi or coke anywhere. No red or blue. It makes me sad because Pepsi is so good and without its main substances its just brown water to me. I'm not saying that they should stop selling it, I just think that they should sell more of the orignal stuff. Is that a crime?
This really isn't a rant, its just I'm a little dissipointed that I can't find the regular stuff anymore.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rodeo and PETA/Shark

One of them I hate oustandingly.

Can you guess which one?


I came from Ireland to Canada when I was six and since I was interested in horses, my dad bought us two tickets to the CFR (Candian Finals Rodeo). We went and it was AWESOME! I loved it, and it has been a tradtion for seven years; not long, but long enough. But last year we went and we we're walking into Rexall when some people in blue t-shirts with PETA stamped across them came up to us. They were showing us pictures from some rodeos around the US that we're cruel so they expected us to believe that every rodeo was cruel. My dad just walked away when they yelled "Don't be heartless!" but my dad yelled back "F*** off."
Well, I did research on this PETA group and some of the stuff that they did... are they a terrorist group? Just curious? Are they?

Anyway, back on the rodeo subject.
I hear these teenaged "horse crazy" girls whining on youtube on this video:
You know what, PETA?

If you don't like it you can kiss THE FATTEST PART OF MY ASS. I love rodeo. I love the excitement, the adrenaline, everything about it.
Doesn't matter what you think, we're gonna do it anyway.

Human beings are not stupid enough to be convinced that all rodeos are the exact same. All PETA does is repeat the same clips over and over again! They try to convince you that all rodeos are like that! YOU'RE BUYING INTO THEIR PROPAGANDA. For Christ sake they were standing outside of McDonald's giving kids their version of a happy meal. Guess what the toy was? A DEAD RODENT.

They blew up a Science Research Lab! They took the animals out but what the hell does that change?
Here are some facts on that little organization:

- PETA has killed over 97% of the animals it's taken into its care. (In the year 2006, 2,981 animals were killed, whereas only 12 were adopted.)

- PETA has given over $100,000 to arsonists and convicted criminals to blow stuff up and create havoc, rather than helping animals.

- PETA gave a man $70,000 after he bombed a University research lab.

- While PETA collects millions in donations by pretending to advocate for the welfare of animals, the group has killed 17,400 pets since 1998. Some animals are killed at PETA headquarters and stored in a giant walk-in freezer, which cost just under $10,000.

- Since 1998, PETA has transferred a total of 130 animals to other shelters, and 21 of them were chickens. By comparison, it killed over 10,000 animals.

- Many PETA members have been brainwashed and as a result, have maimed and even killed other humans beings in the name of animals. How does violence like this solve anything?

- PETA kills animals. Because it has other financial priorities

- such as hiring arsonists to do terrorism and murder, making a giant walk-in freezer to store dead animals in, and ads in attempt to brainwash today's youth.

How f***en stupid.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fake Rebels

Oh goodie!
Their are girls at my school who think their "so rebellious" when their not. Oh my god, you talked back to a teacher! Your so rebel. You wear skinny jeans, converse, a head bandanna, and a baggy tee, you must be so hardcore.
God, it makes me sad that I might even go through the stage of where I think I know everything, like the girls I'm referring to. They think their so rebellious because they're too cool so they stand against the wall at school and they swear and hate their parents just because their parents were nagging them to clean their room with pinups of Fall Out Boy etc. NOTHING IN THE WORLD PISSES ME OFF MORE THAN POSERS.
Here's how the story goes:
Teacher: Hey don't play around here
Faux Rebel Kid: I'm Just having fun *sticks out tongue*
Friend: God your so rebellious
You. Are not. REBELLIOUS.
Being rebellious means standing up for your beliefs when your in a place where they won't let you. Being rebellious means objecting to a demand that is against what you believe in and saying "Hey, you can't change who I am". Not talking back to a teacher just because your in a bitchy mood or you think you wanna be cool. Rebellion is not about dressing a certain way, its about standing up for what your beliefs are. Rather its Chritianity, Seek, Athieism, whatever! Taking a stand against something that's WRONG. Not standing against the teacher because she told you to stop talking while he/she was teaching a lesson. Your not prooving to the world that your rebellious just because your an angst ridden teen who thinks life is so unfair because you have idols of authority that are helping you achieve a future. Not unless the teacher makes a racist, sexist or vulgar comment to you, keep your mouth shut and let them do their job.

Hollywood... the ROOT of all Evil

Doesn't matter how small of a town you live in, the propaganda is endless.

But honestly, whoever thought of this "Mixed Celebrity Couples Name" thing is going to have my foot stuck up their ass.
Bradgelina? Tomkat? More like runover, hairless, rabies infested Kat. But seriously, now I hear people calling Zac Efron and Vannessa Ann Hugens Zannessa. SICK. Ok then, lets call Nichol Richie and Joel Madden JICHOL! Do you NOT realize how retarded people sound when they call couples that? F*** Hollywood is getting on my nerves!
"Oh so and so is going mental, LETS RIGHT SHIT ABOUT THEM!"
The only magazine I actually have respect for is PEOPLE Magazine; they actually have real life stories in them that aren't celebrity trash.
Sorry, but Hollywood is on something. We can live without celebrities you know.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Spongebob? Gay?

You have got to be motherf***ing kidding me.

So, lately the Catholic Church has been saying the KIDS show, Spongebob Squarepants, has been making references of homosexuality.
That's about as true as saying K-Fed's talented.
Spongebob has always been my favorite cartoon. His wacky shtick has always made it more funny with his dull but funny friend, Patrick Star. I've watched nearly every episode, and to hear someone say it was making references of homosexuality is total bullocks.
Can anyone have a best friend without being gay? Honestly! Hell, they even interviewed the makers of Spongebob and they said that they didn't even know how Spongebob was making these references. And if they were, what's the Catholic Church gonna do about it? Tell Viacom that Nickelodeon has gay shows on it?
Fuck it. Spongebob will ALWAYS be the best Kids' show. Suck on that, Dora!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Are you Blind?


FREAKING idiots.

If I hear another assclown call Green Day emo I will go biserk.

Lets get one thing straight, I respect your opinion, if you don't like them that's fine, but if you got nothing nice to say, don't say anything. But when it gets to the point where I have random people come up to me in public when I'm wearing a GD t-shirt calling me emo, I will have to let some steam out.

Do those men up there look like they'd be cutting themselves, whining about how much their life sucks? NO. Sure they'll write a sad tune every now and then, and yes two of the member wear eyeliner but that doesn't mean their emo! Watch some of their interviews, see makings of their music videos, these guys are all about having fun, goofing around and just being fun people. They don't have flippy hair, Billie Joe doesn't scream his songs, they don't sing about getting dumped by some chick... ETC.


Here's more of a recent picture of them (off to the left). Ok, so I can see where people get the idea that these dudes are emo... but seriously. Emo is short for Emotional. Listen to the American Idiot album. Nothing could be more happier. No songs about how much life is depressing and no songs about the world being a horrible, horrible place.
Alright, so may I say something?
The only reason people call this band 'emo' is because of all the teeny little "emo" girls who think their "s000 hawt" or listen to REAL emo bands but somehow like Green Day (for their "hottness" or American Idiot) and then people start thinking "Oh well, if that emo kid likes Green Day then that proves all fans are like that!"
Teenies that listen to them DON'T know the REAL Green Day. Thinking their hot will get you NOWHERE. I bet if I asked them their favorite song, they'd say "Holiday!" or "I dunno". Now don't get me wrong, Holiday is an AWESOME song, but ever heard their LEGENDARY songs? From their older albums where hey, they weren't so as hot as they were now? No, you haven't because thanks to you little teeny girls people now think that their emo and all their fans are stupid little teenies that are ten years old.
Green Day just isn't like another Simple Plan. They have been playing for 20 years and worked hard to get where they are now. And when American Idiot came out, everyone was saying that they "SOLD OUT". No, they didn't. They grew up, obviously something you haven't experienced yet if you think they sold out. GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA 1994's ass. They were awesome then and their awesome now.
And for those that hate Green Day, ok :) I'm not as defensive as some fans turn out to be... I won't call you a fag or something. Even some of my friends hate Green Day so please, I ask nicely, respect my opinion cause I respect yours.

The Jonas Brothers

Yes, the Jonas Brothers.My camping trip was fun, there were lots of horse flies but I digress.Lately you guys have been hearing stuff about the giant cesspool, Disney, who used to have wonderful classics but now just shitty, poppy musicals. Well, the ones that piss me off the most is that teeny boy band, The Jonas Brothers. I'm sorry JB fans, but I need to let this out.I hate them with every fiber of my being.I hear pubescent girls talking juring my camping trip going "OHMYGAWD, The Jonas Brothers are real music!!" or "Nick is soo hawt." Give me a fucking break.I respect your opinion but seriously, are you THAT messed up that your calling The Jonas Brothers real music? Have you ever heard of Led Zepplin? The Clash? Tupac? THE BEATLES? I'm sure their nice people, but their music is a freaking insult. Not only that but that Camp Rock movie was horendous. Lets be honest; the frontman CANNOT sing. For fuck sake he's 18 and he sounds like a 12 year old girl! I've heard both sides of the story and I hate them. Just because you write your own songs does NOT make you talented! Just because you can hold a guitar does NOT make you talented! Just because your fans are teen girls does NOT, definetly does NOT make you talented! And they don't even have a drummer. Don't even get me started.And in the song, Year 3000 there's one line that goes:

I took a trip to the year 3000.
This song had gone multi-platinum.
Everybody bought our 7th album.
It had outsold Kelly Clarkson.

LOL. And that's 992 years away. Both them and Kelly Clarkson are gonna be dead! And to brag about out-selling someone more talented than that just proves you are an idiot. To be a good band, you have to write good lyrics, put effort into playing your instruments, and you actually have to try instead of being bought by a corperation and writing lyrics about girls and being better than someone else. I'm not trying to change your opinion about them, I'm just expressing mine. And if you write a rant journal about my favorite band just to get back at me than:a) your petheticand b) I wouldn't give a shit.I just HATE THEM. And Nick, CUT YOUR GODDAMN HAIR.

About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D