Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If Your Going Through Hell

Keep on going, you might get out, if your scared don't show it.

Fuck, my best friend... I won't say her name, is suffocating me!
She HAS to know EVERY fucking account on every site I have, she has to know ALL my friends. The only account she hasn't found out about is this one, and I'M GLAD. I can finally say what I need to say without her going batshit.

I can't say ANYTHING bad or else of course she'll disagree and try to change my opinion. Then we get into an arguement and she'll how I don't care and she'll get jealous of my other friends! I can't say what I need to say on my youtube, DeviantArt etc etc because she had to know I had accounts on those sites! She has to know every single detail of every single personal picture I draw, I can't keep it to myself! And now she has to get to know all of my friends that she doesn't even know!
BACK OFF, you might as well know what time I go to the bathroom! Please, leave my life ALONE!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who Died and Made You President Nixon?


My school is obsessed with volleyball. Volleyball volleyball volleyball. Who could give two shits about the hard-working basketball team when you have VOLLEYBALL GIRLS?

Yes, the volleyball girls.

I'm gonna be honest, not ALL of them are annoying, obnoxious, loud, souless, and full of themselves. Some are actually really nice. But others...
My class (8B) was having gym. I was having a good time, we were playing batminton (shut up, if I had balls they'd be the size of your face) but then the volleyball girls from 8C walk in the gym like they own the damn place! Shane was sitting beside Gibney (our teacher) when one of them snaps "MOVE." Plus they try to be cute and funny for our student teacher, Mr. M. They try to be all adorable and ditzy for him (why they think they'd get a chance with him is beyond me).
Some reasons why I hate some of those soul-stealing witches:
I come to school, go to my locker, drop off my stuff and then go to my friend's lockers. Simple, right? It took me 17 [fucking] minutes to get to my locker. You know why? Because those volleyball girls were blocking 90% of the hallway! They just stand there, screaming while people are trying to get by! Yeah, I'd be you'd tell them to move. Do they? Nope. They can't even hear you because they're so damn loud.
Shocking, right? TOTALLY!....
Who do volleyball girls date? Volleyball guys (who aren't as annoying). What does this cause? Drama. Which equals tears. You see one of them crying, you go and ask to help. They say they can't tell you because only volleyball players can know. Fine, don't get my sympathy. Bitch. I offer to help you and you reject me because your in some sort of sport playing clan? Fine. Maybe your volleyball friends can help you... I don't even think they like each other.
I probably spelled it wrong, but whatever.
Some of these girls think they RUN the school! You know who runs the school? ECSD. Edmonton Catholic School District. Not you. I'm starting to believe they have no souls... and when they admit they don't, they can join my club. The EvilMonsterousIgnorantLosersYeti. E.M.I.L.Y... The yeti's there for funsies.
These girls think they're so cool in their Abercrombie&Fitch Hollister American Apparel t-shirts and Stitches jeans eating Mr. Noodles while laughing at unfunny jokes but ruining the funny jokes. Don't believe me? Come to St. Hilda; see for yourself.

Well I'm done. Remember, this isn't aimed at all volleyball girls. Just the ones that annoy me... I won't name names.

Live. Laugh. Fuck Off.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You're Kid

Isn't cute/gifted/special OR anything of those sorts.

When I was little I don't fucking remember--or knowing-- ANY kid who had to take medication/had to be put in a "special class". You wanna know why little Timmy won't listen in class and would rather be outside hurting other boys in his class? No, its not because he has fuckin A.D.D. Its because he's a KID. He doesn't need any treatment/medication/special class because ya know what? He's just being a KID! I never knew being a kid was a handicap... Bullshit.
This kid in my class, Taylor (he wanted us to call him Zack... which quickly turned into Zaggot.)he whines, he's rude, he has an attitude, and he's quite stupid. Well, our grades are divided in class. 8B, 8C, 9B, 9C etc etc. but then theres 8A and 9A which is apparently for "slow learning kids". They decided to stick 8A with 8B so now its 8AB. But anyway, I think their bullshit. Slow learning kids? Mental dissabilites? I CALL BULLSHIT!
There's no such thing as "special" children. Its just toddlers, kids, adolescences, adults, elders. No "special". There's smart people then there's dumb people. Yeah, some brains don't function well. Its called FUCKING DOWN SYNDROME. Not A.D.D! NOT A.D.H.D! Just because Zack's a dumbass along with a few others doesn't mean they need to be put in a individual class! Put them in 8B and 8C and there you have it; two classrooms. No inbetweenies. And if those "special" kids fail the class, so? Kids fail! My teacher told me that since parents are upset that they're not allowed to fail anyone. So if a dumb kid fails every single class, your gonna pass him? Nuh uh! I don't care if parents are upset! You make that snot-nosed brat redo the 8th grade until he finally gets the whole thing! If you keep passing him when he doesn't understand anything, and he doesn't listen anyway, and he graduates... thats another moron stepping out into the world. Yeah, 'cause we need one of those again. Some kids are smarter then others. No such thing as "special". Just because your kid doesn't focus in class doesn't mean you pump his viens with Adderall. It means you start teaching him to listen, and if he doesn't, then he repeats the grade. Yeah, he may hate you (you as in the parents) but he'll thank you in the future. He supposed to hate parents, its called being a teen. Its called being a kid.

As you can tell I'm a pretty big redneck/Republican/Conservative. Yeah, sue me.

Live. Laugh. FUCK OFF.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nazi Mentality

Yes, I said it.

When I say "nazi mentality" I'm talking about music fans.
I like any kind of music really, but my favorite genre is punk; does that mean that its the best and the others suck? No.
How do I explain this?
Boys in my class are crazy about classic rock; understandable. But when they say that its the best and everything else sucks; ok, that's an opinion; fine. But when they state it as if it were a FACT, then that's pretty snobby. Saying that musicians who don't play your favorite genre are "talentless" is arrogant. Yeah, there are musicians who aren't all that good but that's just me. My most irritant encounter is when fans of rock and whatnot and say that rappers are talentless and rap music sucks... and state it as if it were a fact. And then hating somebody or physically hurting them because they have a different musical view is what we call "NAZI MENTALITY".
Think about it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hmm, How About This?

What do you do with an attention grabber? Hmm, lessee... How about... don't pay attention? That saying "let the baby have its bottle" reminds me of the people in my class. This student, we'll call him Zack (like he's gonna find this anyway), is begging for attention but not in a "no one loves me, give me a hug" way... He will:

-Insult people... with "You mamma" jokes (no, I'm not kidding).

-Pick fights with guys who are two times his size

-say jokes that he KNOWS no one will laugh at, yet he continues.

-act plain stupid.

Bottom line; this kid isn't funny. He's annoying and everyone in our class (or school) hates him (including me).

Anyway, Zack will act out and act like a total baby. He wants ATTENTION. He WANTS you to swear at him, and he wants you to act out on him. So, if you have someone like this, what do you do? Its simple; IGNORE HIM. You know if you feed the animals, they'll come back to you, wanting MORE. If you ignore his scrawny, wimpy little ass then he'll see that your not interested in dealing with him, therefor; leaving you alone.
I know what your thinking; that never works! Are you kidding? It works like a charm! I started ignoring him and now he goes and bothers someone else. Your giving him what he wants and that is ATTENTION. He's not a toddler who needs 24/7 care, he's 13 years old! Let him act out, if you don't pay attention then he'll look like even more of an idiot.

Momma didn't raise no fool ;)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Are YOU Thankful for?

It was a project in Religion class. We had to write down what we're thankful for and add them in a prayer. It made me think... what am I thankful for? Well, for a couple, here it is:

-Indoor plumbing (oh where would I be without thee?)

-Living in a free country (Oh Canada...)

-Dahvie Vanity... Don't ask.

-My computer (Muwah!)

-My children... as in; my camera, Mp3 Player, and Portable DVD player (And yes, I did pay for all of those with my own money).


-My awesome-not-always-awesome parents. (=D)

-All properly working limbs


-Adderall (keeps me pinned down and not going crazy... Although sometimes it doesn't work)

-Horse-back riding (You don't know how much that has affected my life... it saved my life).



Think about it; we sometimes take this stuff for granted. All working limbs, food, eyesight, electronics, plumbing... Dahvie Vanity... remember some kids don't this kind of stuff! Appreciate them, before they're gone!

Live. Laugh. Fuck Off!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Hate My Sister.

How she fuckin' embarasses me infront of her friends when I'M NOT THERE, Jesus. I can't wait till her ass moves out of this house. I'll be less stressed without her.

About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D