Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Take Away This Ball and Chain

I came here to Canada in 2002. I was Calgary but then we moved over to Edmonton, thus continuing my year of grade 2. I met this girl, we'll call her SLJ (to avoid expensive lawsuits) and she was nice... we we're friends through grade 2 to grade 4, until I started getting a little annoyed with her. And in grade 5, her younger brother and she offered to buy me something at the Reddi Mart, I accepted it. And then she took me to a football game, and her mom was spoiling us! Buying us popcorn and soda. Why they were doing this I don't know.
But either way, I didn't like her. So I told her I didn't want to be her friend anymore. What does she do? She gets her mom involved and she starts bitching at me. So then I was FORCED to be her damn friend. Which was torture. She had no other friends, no one liked her so I was her last resort because I had none... but I liked it that way. I don't like people.
Anyway, so in grade six I said "enough is enough, I don't wanna be your friend!" and then once agian she gets her mom involved and what does her mom do? Get the fucking TEACHER involved! This had nothing to do with the teacher! This was OUTSIDE of school. So the teacher forced me to be her friend, AGAIN. So basically I'm forced to be a friend to a person I don't like by high authority figures.
Finally came grade seven, we went to different schools! I was free from the dungeon =D I made new friends I actually liked. Grade seven was a breeze... well, most of the time it was. Anyway, then comes grade eight, and guess who came back? Yes, 'SLJ' came back. Now she follows me and my friends around everywhere. We have tried EVERYTHING to get her to leave us alone!
1. Inviting her into conversation -failed-
2. boring her -failed-
3. SCARING her -failed-
4. Ignoring her -still in progress-
I don't get it! Am I a retard magnet?! Do lonely but annoying people attract to me? She made my elementary school life a living hell, now Junior High? Why?! And if I tell her I don't want to hang out with her, her mom will come after me and get the teacher in this and the LAST thing I EVER wanna do is get in trouble with Ms. Chapor.
This is BULLSHIT! I'm tired of her bragging, following me around, constant annoyance... I'm on a ball and chain! I want to tell her to leave me alone, but I can't because of her I'm-on-meth mom. And yes, I've gone to my parents for advice.
Mom's advice-"Invite her into conversation"

Dad's advice-"Tell her to fuck off and die."
*Smacks head on keyboard* Any advice? ANY? Besides those two? Help me! I've even tried being a bitch to her but still, she's attracted to me! I'm not that beautiful and I'm not a people person... at all...

Monday, September 29, 2008

There is NO WAY...

And no HOW, you as an individual can change my opinion on what I hate or love; on what I think is right or wrong. And if your my friend you wouldn't try to change that... yet some of you think I'm wrong. That's why they call it an opinion, its niether right OR wrong. Its just... as is. For example; I hate emo kids, yet one of my friends says that its wrong and got brainwashed by some video saying how you shouldn't hate emo's. Personally, I don't care if she likes emos or not, I won't try and change that... but she think I'm wrong and loving emo's is right... Again, its not right or wrong. Its an opinion, and if you claim to be my best friend then you wouldn't of tried to change my thoughts OR you wouldn't call me ignorant or a hypocrite. Gee, that sure changes ALOT.

I am fucking annoyed on how people would try to change another's opinion just because they don't like it. What is this, a game of kickball on the field? Grow up! Stop being so goddamn whiny just because another doesn't like the things you do. Yeah, I AM pissed off at emo kids considering Green Day to be emo, thats not the only reason why I hate them; in my opinion their whiny, they think their individual when their just like everyone else, they're trendy and their music is horrid. Again, not everyone thinks this. Its just my thoughts. Yeah, some of you may not like it, but I'm too damn tired and sick to give a rats ass.
Wanna know why I'm always like this? Read my occupations and maybe you'll get a good idea.

Peace. Love. Fuck off.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm Funny?

Haha, no.

Ugh, feminists attack once again. The song, Shake That Ass Bitch by Bass Booty is I will admit, really racey, but hilarious. It has a good beat, funny lyrics, everything! Personally, I love the song, and guess what?

I'm a girl.

Yes, someone of the female gender loves this song.
Feminists are saying this song is of course, "Demeaning to women".
Have you been living under a ROCK? Most rap music has always been about booties, tits and other things. Did it JUST pop into your head that this music is "demeaning"? Really. Rap music is here and its here to STAY, damnit.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

R.I.P Trader May 9th, 2006~September 17, 2008

A new horse at our barn, Trader, tragically died of colic yesturday afternoon. He's had it for some time now... We'll miss you buddy, you were one of the most unique horses I've ever known.
~Joseph's Lullaby~
Go to sleep my Son
This manger for your bed
You have a long road before You
Rest Your little head
Can You feel the weight of Your glory?
Do You understand the price?
Does the Father guard Your heart for now
So You can sleep tonight?
Go to sleep my Son
Go and chase Your dreams
This world can wait for one more moment
Go and sleep in peace
I believe the glory of Heaven
Is lying in my arms tonight
Lord, I ask that He for just this moment
Simply be my child
Go to sleep my Son
Baby, close Your eyes
Soon enough You'll save the day
But for now, dear Child of mine
Oh my Jesus, Sleep tight
R.I.P Trader, this song goes out to you.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Spoiled Kids.

You know why people hate teens? Because its spoiled brats that give the people ideas that all of us are like that. I'm NOT spoiled... I was a brat, but not anymore. Its called maturity!
Yesturday I started my riding class (Coyote's BACK) and I was walking him to the arena when I saw this girl about my age just TEARING her mom apart (verbally, of course).
"Why aren't my shoes cleaned off like I ASKED YOU TO?"
That's all I heard. This isn't the mom yelling, this is the girl yelling. Her yelling could make you deaf.
Later, she came into the arena with her horse (who was the nicest thoroughbred ever.) and her mom sits down on the bench. Ok, this girl is lucky she didn't slip out some of her atittude to Lisa! She would've gotten her bahooky kicked!
Her mom's like:
"Did you clean up after yourself in the barn?" And the girl responds:
"Ugh, I JUST got up here! What the hell do you expect me to do? WALK back down there! Let someone else clean it up!"
If I gave my mom THAT attitude, heads vwould VROLL. Like this mom is just sitting there, taking her daughter's pissing and moaning!
Which comes to my rant: Spoiled kids. Ages 5-16.

My dad was telling me this story, a woman he works with baught her son a YELLOW 2008 FERRARI and what does he do? Well since he's only has his LEARNERS he crashes it while wacked out on cocaine! So basically this woman bought her coke addicted 15 year old son a 2008 ferrari. Maybe when the mother made that decision, maybe she, herself was wacked out on something. Maybe... LSD?
Thanks for messing up, son! Here's your BRAND NEW CAR! Oh and this woman knew his son was addicted, he just came out of rehab... obviously didn't get clean.Don't spoil children! Or else they'll grow up to be idiots, just like their wacked out parents.

About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D