Monday, February 23, 2009

Just More Complaining.

Just a bunch of stuff thats making me frustrated and pissed... no different from the usual.

I got yelled at for singing an innocent song in the middle of a busy hallway. Does that make sense?

Ok, my dad can complain all he wants and no one says anything but when I start to do the exact same thing, I get yelled at but no one tells him to shut his ass up!

Apparently rock music is the only good kind of music. I love rock but excuse me? Does rapping look easy to you? Some of it DOES have meaning you know. And classical music; yeah, not my cup of tea but does playing those instruments look hard? I dare say!

Ok so you people are getting mad at the sixty-year old woman who had a baby because she's "too old". At least she's a fit enough mother and can afford to have a child, unlike some mothers out there. Think about it.

Swearing doesn't make me any less intelligiant. Its a way of expressing yourself, therefor it is a form of art! :D

Nudity in art, to me, is ART. Nude art is a way of showing the beauty of the human body/nature, so whats so bad? So it shows a freaking vagina, like you've never seen one before!

Amanda, the girl who said she hated Paramore, has recieved even death threats for sharing her opinion. So she hates Paramore? I don't see whats so bad? And calling her ugly won't get you anywhere or make Paramore fans anymore powerful. It just makes you look stupid. Sure, like Paramore, but don't send death threats! C'mon, get real!

J.S, if your reading this, I don't like you, stop talking to me, I have nothing nice to say to you.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Never Seizes to Amaze Me!

And trust me, I'm pretty jaded!

I have a pretty big rep in RL for hating everything but this; this is just stupid.
When the bell rings at our school, its typical that our hallways are busy, and since our school is so old the hallways tend to be more narrow. Well, the hallway is packed and you can barely move so what do people do? They have little meetings and get-togethers in the middle of the friggen hallway! Its got me thinking; these people ARE stupid! Overweight kids are taking up the hallway skinny kids are trying to get through and then you decide to start up a little circle of friends? My God! Not only that, but their little knitting circles go on forever so then it TAKES forever to get to our locker, then we're late for class and then the teacher gets mad at us.

God dammit I hate my school.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stupid little Shitheads.

Fuck I don't want a bunch of fucking sixth graders coming to my school who don't know shit about anything wanting me to teach them how to play an instrument only 40 year old virgins know how to play. I won't go 10 feet near those little twats. I don't care about their future, their interests or THEMSELVES in general! If they fail band when they get hear, well what the fuck do I care? Their problem! Not mine, so you know what? Fuck this whole grade six orientation. I don't give a rats ass about kids or their futures. So yeah, take that home and suck it. Not only that but apparently I'm "unhealthy" and "not taking care of myself". Yeah... so? By this point, I really could care less! Yeah, could CARE LESS! By this point, I want to blow my fucking brains out... it wouldn't matter, cause I didn't use my brains to begin with, so fuck it. I'm tired of this fucking dull dungeon. There's ice, snow and gang shootings. Oh yay, my favorite FUCKING place on this planet! Nah, screw those nice, safe and sanitary places... Edmonton is sooo much friggen' better. And who could forget the nice citizens? Even though I want to slap half of them.

This is bullshit. PURE, VILE, GIANT BULLSHIT.

About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D