Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teachers SUCK.

Have you ever had a teacher which had an inner bully and would purposly humiliate you in front of the class? Yes, well I do.

My math teacher is one of the biggest assholes I've come across. Just flat out mean.

Now he won't just do this to me, but he will quiet down the class so the class will you hear AND see him purposly humiliate/embarrass you just so he can feel big. This man will make you feel 2 inches tall. He makes sarcastic remarks to make you feel defenseless, and you DO feel defenseless, because lets face it; you can't stand up to a teacher or else it'll result in suspension.
He hates me, I know this much. He'll bully anyone in front of the class. He'll embarrass you to make him feel more powerful. He seems like a very miserable man (he's a sad excuse for a man). He's actually made me feel so uncomfortable. Like this one time; he pulled me out of class one time and ASKED ME IF I SHOWERED. He asked a student if they showered. Um, NO SHIT I SHOWER, idiot! You don't ask someone that! Not only is that extremely creepy, but it's also a bit um, I don't know... RUDE? You're in your mid 30's! GROW UP.
Or another time in grade 7, when he was our french teacher. We just got back from gym and he told us that we stunk, and these were his EXACT words:
"Next class, if I smell any of you guys, I'm going to take you out in the hall individually and smell you to see who's not putting on deodorant."

HE WAS GOING TO TAKE US OUT IN THE HALLWAY AND SMELL US. C'mon! Borderline freakish, in my opinion.
Not only is he an asshole, he sucks at teaching math.
In grade 7, we had the BEST math teacher! She was amazing! Explained everything, went through the notes, just; an amazing teacher. My final mark was 66%. But then she had to leave because she was having a baby.
So in grade 8, Mr. Asshole was our new math teacher. Want to know what my final mark was? 38%.
HOW DOES THIS POSSIBLY HAPPEN OVER THE SUMMER? And I've always understood math, until he started teaching and fucking it all up.
Now, in grade 9, my mark is now 40%. I am totally fucked because my math teacher now is a total retard.
And I can't get him fired because teachers are part of a UNION. Who thought of this union and where do they live so I can punch them in the throat? And of course all the other teachers LOVE him >__>


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Journal entries of a Loser

First day of school is today (yes. I have to leave at 1:30.)
I will be posting journal entries throughout the school year... to see if I make any progress... if not, than good riddance to that school.... I'm in grade 9. Last year there! DANCE!
But yeah. They won't be daily. Pa-lease! I do not have that much commitment! And I can do this because I know for a fact no one reads this blog... I wonder why, I'm an asshole.
I'll post an entry on Friday. Get ready to hear LOTS of complaining.

:D Live. Laugh. SCREW YOU.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chris Brown's Violent History

The headline at!

I'm not taking sides. I'll admit, what he did was stupid/terrible, but it was ONE time. They're acting like his childhood was like Michael Myers'. Where his mom was a whore and his stepdad was an abusive asshole so he goes on a violent spree. VIOLENT history? Fuck, what did he do? Beat up a kid in grade 3? One assult charge and your childhood is automatically fucked up. It was fine before... but after I beat her up, its now FUCKED! Even though it happened 9 years ago.

You know what; I think its rather pointless complaining about this; I'm waisting my time. But still; retarded.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Some Hardcore Religious Fanatics...

If you believe in [a] God that's cool... You know I won't hate you for your religion. But if I won't hate you, don't hate me.

I've come across people who I was becoming friends with and once they asked me if I believe in God and I said no, they gave me speeches on why I should and I lose a friend. Most have been Christian, since thats the most popular religion in my area; Christianity. Given that, I've seen religious people de-friended by athiests... who personally, are kind of annoying with their propaganda.
I have friends who believe in different things. Just because I don't believe in God or its not my first priority, that doesn't mean we can't be friends. Hey, we don't even have to be friends. We could just not talk to each other at all.
If I don't force my beliefs on you, then don't force yours on me. I have morals and philosophies, I have faith, not alot but enough to get me through tough times. What I'm saying is; I couldn't give two shits about religion and God. Maybe he exists? I don't care! Believe whatever you please. Hindu, Buddhist, again; whatever you please! But don't even try to "convert" me. I've made up my mind.
I'm not trying to convert you to what I think, so why should you? By now you already know I HATE PROPAGANDA. So don't try to tell me God doesn't exist or He does... because guess what?

I. Don't. Care.

When I meet new people, I accept them for their personality. Not their beliefs :) That would be like accepting someone ONLY for their looks. And I don't fly like that.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Take it Back

In a earlier post I said that A.D.H.D didn't count as a brain dysfunction.
Now I'm going to be smart about this and say, I was wrong. A.D.H.D does affect a kid's learning ALOT.
So, I take it back. I was wrong.

At least I admitted my mistake!

Simpsons OR Family Guy?

Oh, is this argument STILL in play?

My GOOD God!
People, people, people.
I am subscribed to Hulu on youtube, and they upload various Simpsons and Family Guy clips. Most are really funny, from both shows, but then retards start NETWARZ down in the comment section.
"Simpsons r funnier!!"

Saying one is better than the other one like its a FACT is wrong. Listen; BOTH are hilarious. I can laugh out loud at both. But guess what? Ready?
Simpsons have clean, sarcastic jokes most of the time. Family Guy is more immature, more adult. You can't compare those two together! Plus, Family Guy was MEANT to be a more adult show than The Simpsons. More parents would let their kid watch The Simpsons but not FG. You know why? DIFFERENT style of humor!
I'm all for sharing your opinion on the comment box on YT. Just as long as its educated and your not an arrogant asshole who's looking to start a fucking keyboard war.
But hey, not everyone will agree with me on this one, but whatev's. Its your opinion.

Thursday, June 4, 2009



I hate my assistant principle!

First, she banned all unhealthy food from the school. Here's what I say to that:

-We're 13/14 year olds. We're supposed to eat unhealthy; we're being teenagers. You keep on telling us to "act our age" so we do! But then you give us shit for doing that! Cut the MPD shit and let us eat food.

-Ever thought about selling both healthy and unhealthy food? Variety would be nice. Have both oatmeal bars and Skittles in the same vending machine. Jesus.

But this is what gets me; she banned Energy Drinks from the school, then she said drinking an energy drink is like shooting up heroin. No... shooting bleach into your bloodstream is equal to doing herion. Drinking a 2 litre of Coca Cola is equal to taking 1 Red Bull. Don't be so dramatic about it.
Look lady, your not my mom. Lorraine is my mom. Not you. Just because there's a kid in grade 9 who weighs over 150 pounds doesn't mean the rest of us normal weight kids need to pay the consequences. The whole "don't do drugs" lecture is understandable; because drugs can lead to death. The whole "don't eat unhealthy foods" lecture is getting old because eating junk food every now and then leads to... get this! SATISFACTION!
I don't even like energy drinks and I'm on their side.
And who knows? Maybe some of the "over the average weight" kids got their build from genetics. Maybe their parents looked like that at that age. Maybe they eat healthy but still look a little chubby, thats genetics. You can't fight nature with an oatmeal bar.

Live.Laugh.FUCK OFF.

About Me

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'Ello =D I am Emily. I am a A.D.D spazz. Complaining about nothing, and jumping from subject to subject. My top 5 fave things are Green Day, Horses, Drawing, Cheeseburgers, and Soda. And I rant WAY too much! =D